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Report and Financial Statements for year ending 31st December 2011

The following PDF document the Report and Financial Statements for year ending 31st December 2011

31 DEC 2011 1.56 MB

IAWN Newsletter November 2011

Restoring right relationship

When the Provincial Links of the International Anglican Women’s Network met in 2009 they identified the elimination of all forms of violence against women and children as a priority for the advocacy work of IAWN.

14 NOV 2011 627 KB

AOCICC - Anglican-Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council November 2011 - Communiqué

The Anglican-Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council (AOCICC) met in York, England from 4 to 8 November 2011.

08 NOV 2011 83 KB

Belonging together in Europe: A joint statement on aspects of ecclesiology and mission

The present paper is the fruit of six years work by the Anglican Old Catholic International Coordinating Council (AOCICC) in fulfilment of two aspects of the mandate given to the Council by the Archbishops of Canterbury and Utrecht:

07 NOV 2011 105 KB

Newsletter: Count Every Child

Count Every Child

This newsletter, the final IAFN publication for this year, raises issues about birth registration and identity. A birth certificate "is a small paper but it actually establishes who you are and gives access to the rights and the privileges and the obligations of citizenship."

07 NOV 2011 1.38 MB

Compass Points Oct 2011

28 OCT 2011 903 KB

Report from the National Indigenous Ministry of the Anglican Church of Canada

31 JUL 2011 131 KB

Newsletter: Violence and the Family

Violence and the Family - July 2011 

“Violence in the home is a violation of God’s wish for humanity.” This is how Bishop David Chillingworth, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, begins his editorial for the third IAFN newsletter in the series on Violence and the Family.
This edition shows how churches in many part of the Communion are responding to the challenge of violence in the home. Participants’ in the recent IAFN Oceania consultation on Violence and the Family (see the Oceania Action Plan for the Churches) were quick to put their learning into practice and have been raising awareness of the issue and working to prevent it in their own contexts.

11 JUL 2011 4.96 MB

The Anglican - Lutheran International Commission, Jerusalem 2011

The third Anglican–Lutheran International Commission (ALIC) held its sixth and final meeting in the holy city Jerusalem between 18 and 25 June 2011

25 JUN 2011 39 KB

Report from the Commission on Native Hawaiian Ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii

31 MAY 2011 347 KB