
The Staff of the Anglican Communion Office are employed by three distinct charitiable companies: The Anglican Consultative Council, the Anglican Alliance, and the Lambeth Conference, working closely together to support the Anglican Communion and its Instruments of Communion.

Office of the Secretary General

Secretary General of the Anglican Communion
The Right Revd Anthony Poggo

Private Secretary
Caroline Thompson


Episcopal Ministry in the Anglican Communion

Bishop for Episcopal Ministry in the Anglican Communion
and Deputy Secretary General

The Right Revd Dr Jo Bailey Wells

Support Officer to the Bishop for Episcopal Ministry in the Anglican Communion
Kari Loureiro


Unity, Faith and Order

Director for Unity, Faith and Order
Dr Christopher Wells

Programme Executive
The Revd Neil Vigers


Administration and Logistics

Director of Administration and Logistics
Grace Barlow

Governance Officer
Daniella Donkor 

Events and Travel Officer
Tyler Jordan


Finance, Facilities and IT

Director of Finance
Simon Sheldon

Head of Finance
Jadwiga Pyrgiel 

Management Accountant
Dee Marriott

Warden of Saint Andrew’s House
Stefan Tkaczek

Senior IT Lead


Public Engagement

Director of Public Engagement
Janet Miles

Communications Consultant
Sophia Jones

Digital Media Officer
Daryl Booth


Theological Education

Adviser for Theological Education and Lambeth Conference Implementation
The Revd Canon Dr Stephen Spencer

Adviser for Theological Education and Interpretation / Translation
Paulo Ueti

Project Manager for Mission Theology
Dr Muthuraj Swamy


Anglican Communion Office at the United Nations

Anglican Communion Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Martha Jarvis

Assistant Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva
The Revd Glen Ruffle


Gender Justice

Director for Gender Justice
Mandy Marshall 


Commissions and Networks

Commissions and Networks Support Officer
Rachel Parry 


Anglican Alliance

Executive Director
Rob Dawes

Director for Gender Justice
Mandy Marshall 

Programme Director
Dr Elizabeth Perry

Adviser for Theological Education and Interpretation / Translation
Paulo Ueti

Programme Officer
Amy Bishop

Middle East Facilitator
Joel Kelling

Senior Advisor
Grace Kaiso

Disaster Resilience and Response Lead
Nicholas Pande

Caribbean Facilitator
Clifton Nedd