the resources here might be helpful for groups of any kind. They are resources that do not need an ‘expert’ to lead them but someone who can facilitate the process and the discussion.
these resources have been designed so that everyone in the congregation can take enjoy them. Some are for use at the main Sunday service, some are suggestions for special study days or day conferences, and others invite members of the congregation to use them together but at a time and place that suits each person.
reading the Bible or hearing it being read is not the most helpful method of exploring Scripture for some people. How might we encounter it in a different way? The Church has a strong tradition of using image and symbol as a way of inviting us to engage with God’s Word.
how do you encourage people to engage with Scripture when they might feel awkward because of their lack of knowledge? They may have attended church for many years but they do not wish to have their biblical ignorance shown up. These resources were designed to help overcome these difficulties.
one of the central roles of many authorised ministries within the Anglican/Episcopal Church is that of ‘teaching the Word’. Whether this is in the formal setting of our weekly worship or through the many informal groups that gather in most churches. The following resources unpack what an Anglican understanding of our relationship with the Bible looks like.
where do you begin to explore a book that is not just one book but is made of 66 books of very different kinds - prayers, proverbs, moral instructions, stories, dreams, and parables for example? Perhaps two areas of resources might be a helpful starting point: first to understand ourselves and what we bring to our reading of Scripture; and second to explore what these books within a Book are trying to offer the reader.
‘going deeper’ can mean different things. These resources offer ways of ‘going deeper’ in three ways - by encountering the whole of Scripture in a limited time [Bible Challenge]; by experiencing a different way of approaching and engaging with the Bible; and by learning from Biblical scholars through the videos and articles.
these resources offer outlines for a study day on an aspect of our understanding of how we engage with Scripture.Study days are helpful ways to immerse people in a particular area of exploration. These resources come from different parts of the Anglican Communion and, in their different ways, seek to draw people into a deeper engagement.
there are many ways to explore and engage with the Bible. Perhaps you are looking for something that is new for you, your church or group. The resources here are examples of a number of very different approaches to engaging with Scripture.
the Bible is often referred to, quite rightly, as either a collection or library of books. But as it comes between two covers as a ‘normal’ book does, there must be something that holds it all together. These resources try to unpack what that ‘something’ is and offer an overview of the ‘big picture’.
other parts of the Anglican Communion offer us windows to see how things are often done differently from the way that we do things. These resources offer insights, reflections and case-studies that invite us to stand in another’s shoes and see things from their perspective.
through its official documents, resolutions and reports the Anglican Communion has said a great deal over many years about its understanding of the place of the Bible in its life. These resources offer an extract of what the Communion has said, identify a number of themes and principles in these documents and commissioned a study course to explore these themes.