The Anglican Communion Safe Church Commission

The Anglican Communion Safe Church Commission (ACSCC) is an international body which was established at the request of the Anglican Consultative Council at its meeting in Lusaka, Zambia, in 2016 (ACC-16).

The task of the Anglican Communion Safe Church is to promote the safety of people within churches of the Anglican Communion – with a particular focus on children, young people and vulnerable adults. During the first phase of its work (2016-2019) the Commission identified safeguarding policies and procedures already in place within the Anglican Communion and developed new international guidelines. The guidelines were presented to the Anglican Consultative Council in Hong Kong in 2019 (ACC-17) where they were approved.

Since 2019, the principal function of the Commission is to be an advisory body for the effective implementation of the guidelines in the provinces of the Anglican Communion through the development of resources, training and liaison with provincial representatives.

Download Safe Church Guidelines and Resources

Learn more about the Commission and its members 

If you have any safeguarding concerns about staff or officers of the Anglican Communion, please report them to our safeguarding officers, Mandy Marshall and Stephen Spencer, by email: [email protected]