Lambeth Conference

The Lambeth Conference is an international meeting of Anglican bishops. The conference discusses church and world affairs and the global mission of the Anglican Communion for the decade ahead. 

Meeting around every ten years since 1867, the Lambeth Conference is one of the four Instruments of Unity in the Anglican Communion.

The fifteenth Lambeth Conference met in Canterbury in 2022. The theme was to explore what it means to be ‘God’s Church for God’s World’. The bishops also discussed a number of Lambeth Calls on ten themes, relevant to church life and the world today.

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This is the first Lambeth Conference that is running in three phases.   

  • Phase 1 – Listening Together: Bishops met pre-event for online conversations (2021-2022)
  • Phase 2 – Walking Together: The conference community met in Canterbury (2022)
  • Phase 3 – Witnessing Together: Taking the outcomes of the conference forward (2023-2026)

The conference journey is continuing to take forward the Lambeth Calls and outcomes of the conference into the life of the Anglican Communion.   

Find out more here