Resources and Papers

The Nairobi-Cairo Proposals

Renewing the Instruments of the Anglican Communion

Visit the information page about the Nairobi-Cairo Proposals here.

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Good Differentiation

A proposal to the ACC from the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order

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Virtual Communion and the Covid-19 Pandemic

A paper produced by a small group of members of the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation (IALC) who were asked to consider the liturgical and theological issues raised by the practice of virtual communion in some parts of the Anglican Communion during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

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Anglican Unity Faith and Order 2008-2022

A book, specially prepared for the Lambeth Conference, gathers together the work of the Anglican Communion on matters of Faith, Order and Unity in the years since the last gathering of the Lambeth Conference in 2008.

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The Gift, Call and Challenge of Communion 

A Teaching Document presented by the Primates’ Task Group based on the work of the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order 

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Unity, Faith and Order: Dialogue and Action

An edited version of an address given at a Lambeth Conference Seminar by the Very Revd Dr Sarah Rowland Jones, Dean of St Davids 

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Instruments, Gifts, Signs and Stewardship

A working paper prepared by the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order This paper builds upon Towards a Symphony of Instruments, a document on the four Instruments of Communion presented by IASCUFO to ACC-15 in Auckland, NZ, in 2013.

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Receiving One Another’s Ordained Ministries 2016

A paper presented by the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order Received to  ACC-16, April 2016 

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IASCUFO Theological Papers

IASCUFO Paper 1: Towards a Symphony of Instruments:

A Historical and Theological Consideration of the Instruments of Communion of the Anglican Communion

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IASCUFO Paper 2: Communion in Ministry and Mission (2018)

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IASCUFO Paper 3: God so Loved the World (2021)

Incoprorating The Divine Gift and Call to Humanity and An Anglican Theological Anthropology

Paper 3 presents an Anglican theological understanding of what it is to be human. This is a statement that is both beautiful and profound. It states why people matter. It says that humans have a God-given dignity, and that to fail to acknowledge human dignity opens the way to many of the evil and violent things that afflict humanity. The paper sets out the importance of Christ for understanding why justice matters, both for creation, and for all people. It is a theological vision with massive moral implications.

IASCUFO Paper 4: God's Sovereignty and Our Salvation (2021)

An Anglican Theological Statement

Paper 4 rebuts the temptation in some places to question or even deny that other Christians are saved in and by Christ. It affirms that judgment belongs to God alone, and that nobody has the capacity or right to call into question the spiritual status of anyone else.

You can download the new IASCUFO Papers 3 and 4 below, or you can order them in some territories from Amazon (ISBN: 978-1911007227]. 

Download papers 3 and 4:

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