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Report and Financial Statements for year ending 31st December 2017

The following PDF document the Report and Financial Statements for year ending 31st December 2017.

31 DEC 2017 1.63 MB

IAWN Newsletter November 2017

The 25th November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. It is also White Ribbon Day and the first day of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence. So IAWN's newsletter has lots of news about how Anglicans are getting involved, with links to all sorts of resources to help us.

It also has good news about the recent meeting of IAWN's Steering Group and how it will be focusing its energy and efforts in the next couple of years.

And as we head towards Freedom Sunday on 2 December, when many churches recommit to tackling human trafficking and modern day slavery, there is an inspiring reflection on how a church has taken action, and a link to multi-lingual resources.

28 NOV 2017 1.44 MB

CUAC: Compass Points Fall 2017

In this issue:

  • A New CUAC Member
  • Revd Clare Hayns and her “Brain Strain” teas at Christ Church, Oxford
  • Revd Nick Griffin’s “Geek Squad” at Plymouth Marjon University, UK
  • St. Barnabas in Okaya, Japan
  • CUAC Member News 
20 NOV 2017 1.12 MB

AOOIC Anglican Oriental Orthodox International Commission Communiqué - October 2017

The Anglican–Oriental Orthodox International Commission held its sixth meeting from the 23 to the 28 October 2017 at the Deanery of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, Republic of Ireland.

02 NOV 2017 845 KB

AOOIC Agreed Statement 2017: The Procession and Work of the Holy Spirit

The Anglican–Oriental Orthodox International Commission (AOOIC) resumed its work in 2013 and completed its Agreed Statement on Christology in 2014, which was submitted to the responsible authorities of the Oriental Orthodox Churches and the Anglican Communion for their consideration and action.

02 NOV 2017 570 KB

ICAOTD Communiqué - October 2017 -English

In the name of the Triune God, and with the blessing and guidance of our Churches, the
International Commission for Anglican–Orthodox Theological Dialogue met in Sliema, Republic
of Malta from 14 to 21 October 2017

23 OCT 2017 222 KB

ICAOTD Communiqué - October 2017 -Spanish

En el nombre del Dios Trino, y con bendición y orientación de nuestras Iglesias, la Comisión
Internacional para el Diálogo Teológico Anglicano-Ortodoxo se encontró en Sliema, República
de Malta entre los días 14 y 21 de Octubre de 2017

23 OCT 2017 203 KB

Communiqué from the Primates' Meeting Canterbury Cathedral, England, 2-6 October 2017

The meeting of Anglican Primates, the senior bishops of the Anglican Provinces, took place in Canterbury between Monday 2 October and Friday 6 October at the invitation of the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury. 

06 OCT 2017 772 KB

Communiqué du Rassemblement des PrimatsCathédrale de Cantorbéry, Angleterre, 2 – 6 octobre 2017

Le Rassemblement des Primats anglicans, les principaux évêques des Provinces anglicanes, a eu lieu à Cantorbéry du lundi 2 octobre au vendredi 6 octobre à l’invitation du Très Révérend et Très Honorable Justin Welby, Archevêque de Cantorbéry. 

06 OCT 2017 83 KB

Korean: Communiqué from the Primates' Meeting Canterbury Cathedral, England, 2-6 October 2017

06 OCT 2017 225 KB