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Document title Item type Date File size

The Anglican Covenant - English

16 DEC 2009 119 KB

IAWN Newsletter December 2009

This is the first of what we hope will be regular IAWN newsletters, telling your stories and
sharing your experiences, hopes and prayers for the future. I

14 DEC 2009 609 KB

Minutes of Standing Committee Meeting December 2009

01 DEC 2009 85 KB

IALC Report on Elements used in Communion

Eucharistic Food and Drink A report of the Inter-Anglican Liturgical Commission to the Anglican Consultative Council

10 NOV 2009 152 KB

Newsletter: Death and the Family

Death and the Family

This is a difficult subject. The articles in this newsletter tell of how the churches in many parts of the Anglican Communion seek to respond to death. There are stories of almost unbearable grief and loss: both on a personal scale within families and where large-scale disaster through war or hurricane brings tragedy to whole communities. But the newsletter also tells of Christian faith and hope, of compassion and help for the bereaved, and people facing the pain of separation from their loved ones and clinging on to belief in the risen Christ.

02 NOV 2009 628 KB

Compass Points Michaelmas 2009

30 OCT 2009 1.62 MB

AOCICC - Anglican-Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council October 2009 - Communiqué

The Anglican-Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council (AOCICC) met in the International Study Centre, Canterbury, England, from 26 to 29 October 2009.

29 OCT 2009 44 KB

Advocacy and Education on Food and Agriculture

"In sub-Saharan Africa women constitute between 60 and 80 percent of the labour for food production, both for household consumption and for sale.

06 OCT 2009 33 KB

Advocacy and Education on the Environmental Crisis and the Transition to Renewable Energy

We, as Anglicans, must respond to our own challenges within the Communion in the years ahead Yet we are resilient enough, as people of faith, to meet those challenges together, while engaging the urgent and dangerous problems facing the world.

06 OCT 2009 20 KB

Advocacy and Education on Water

In 1966, the UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights established the right to water as a human right in Articles 11 and 12.

06 OCT 2009 25 KB