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The Dublin Agreed Statement 1984

As a result of the talks in 1962 between the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Michael Ramsey, and the Ecumenical Patriarch, Athenagoras I of Constantinople, the Primates of the Anglican Communion were approached and agreed unanimously to the setting up of an Anglican Theological Commission to confer with theologians of the Orthodox Churches...

19 AUG 1984 265 KB

Resolutions ACC-6

20 JUL 1984 100 KB

The report of the Anglican-Reformed international commission,1981-1984 - God's reign and our unity

This report is the result of work spread over four years (1981-4) by the Anglican-Reformed Commission which was set up after preliminary consultation in 1978. We were appointed by the Anglican Consultative Council and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches.

16 JAN 1984 189 KB