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Lambeth Conference 1988 Resolutions

Lambeth Conference 1988 Resolutions

14 AUG 1988 348 KB

Resolution 13 - Unity: Locally, nationally and internationally

Resolution 13 of the Lambeth Conference 1988

14 AUG 1988 N/A

Resolution 17 - Steps Towards Unity

Resolution 17 of the Lambeth Conference 1988

14 AUG 1988 N/A

Resolution 18 - The Anglican Communion: Identity and Authority

Resolution 18 of the Lambeth Conference 1988

14 AUG 1988 N/A

Grindrod Report on Women and the Episcopate

Report of the working party appointed by the Primates of the Anglican Communion. Prepared to aid discussion in preparation of the Lambeth Conference 1988

14 AUG 1988 3.08 MB