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Document title Item type Date File size

ACC-15 Networks Report pt2

07 NOV 2012 175 KB

Resolutions ACC-15

07 NOV 2012 183 KB

2012: Workshop for New Bishops on Conflict Transformation and Peace-building

This report describes a workshop on conflict transformation and peace-building organised by APJN for a group of nine recently consecrated Anglican bishops from Nigeria, South Sudan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India and Brazil. The report includes material developed by Responding to Conflict which was an essential element in the workshop

07 JUN 2012 917 KB

Statement on David Kato

A statement on the murder of David Kato by the Primates of the Anglican Communion following their Primates’ Meeting in Dublin, Ireland, between 24th and 30th January, 2011.

30 JAN 2011 15 KB

Open letter on Zimbabwe

An open letter to the President of Zimbabwe by the Primates of the Anglican Communion following their Primates’ Meeting in Dublin, Ireland, between 24th and 30th January, 2011.

30 JAN 2011 17 KB

Resolutions ACC-14

13 MAY 2009 121 KB

ACC-14 APJN - Community Transformation: Violence and the Church's Response

13 MAY 2009 2.94 MB

2008 - Community Transformation: Violence and the Church's Response

The Anglican Peace and Justice Network held its triennial meeting in Rwanda and Burundi from 25 September to 3 October, 2007. This report describes the moving testimony received there as well as deliberations concerning the Anglican Communion's role in conflict resolution throughout the world. Other international issues and efforts are also highlighted in the 64-page report, well-illustrated with photos 

01 SEP 2008 2.94 MB

Conferece 2008 - Section C: Human and Social Justice

Section C of the Lambeth Conference 2008

03 AUG 2008 N/A

2007- TEAM Conference

APJN strongly endorsed and supported the TEAM conference - Towards Effective Anglican Mission - by participating in the planning and sending representatives to the event held in Boksburg, South Africa in March, 2007, and is cooperating in the implementation of its recommendations, especially in the area of conflict transformation.

19 DEC 2007 288 KB