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Compass Points Michaelmas 2008

31 OCT 2008 3.21 MB

2008 - Community Transformation: Violence and the Church's Response

The Anglican Peace and Justice Network held its triennial meeting in Rwanda and Burundi from 25 September to 3 October, 2007. This report describes the moving testimony received there as well as deliberations concerning the Anglican Communion's role in conflict resolution throughout the world. Other international issues and efforts are also highlighted in the 64-page report, well-illustrated with photos 

01 SEP 2008 2.94 MB

Newsletter: Helping Families - A Vital Part of the Churches' Mission

Helping Families - A Vital Part of the Churches' Mission

The International Anglican Family Network is a well established network of the Anglican Communion which has been in existence for over 20 years. Through its newsletters, which from 1996 to 2007 have been published as an integral part of Anglican World, it links together many thousands of Anglican Christians working in family ministries across the world. Each newsletter focuses on a particular theme, many of them linked with the Millennium Development Goals (for full list of publications see our website The articles are contributed by a wide range of people - clerical and lay, men and women - from many different Provinces. They tell not only of particular challenges facing families but of

07 JUL 2008 85 KB

Communiqué de la réunion du Réseau francophone à Aylesford Friary, Angleterre, du 1er au 4 Juillet 2008

04 JUL 2008 227 KB

Newsletter: The Impact of Globalisation on Families and Communities

The Impact of Globalisation on Families and Communities.

This newsletter follows the consultation organised by the Family Network in co-operation with the Anglican Church of Korea and held in Seoul n 2007. It includes articles based on papers presented by several of the delegates. These tell of the impact of global economic forces on families in Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, The Philippines, Singapore and Australia, with the growth in the numbers of women and men working away from their homes and the resulting pressure on them and their families. The article from The Philippines shows how the bride trade, with women seeking to escape poverty through marriage abroad, can result in their exploitation and abuse. Additional articles from Argentina, Bangladesh and UK make clear that

07 APR 2008 87 KB

Report to the Anglican Consultative Council 2008

18 FEB 2008 96 KB

Newsletter: The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Children

The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Children 

It is estimated that worldwide some 15 million children have already lost one or more parents to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Apart from the devastating effects of bereavement, many orphaned children have to cope with the care of siblings while others are themselves infected by the virus which can be transmitted to them at their birth. In some parts of the Anglican Communion, the statistics are known and horrifying; in others the known numbers are small but the problems of combating ignorance and stigma are huge. In this newsletter, stories from many different Provinces of the Anglican Communion reveal the terrible disparity of provision for children affected by HIV/AIDS, but all tell of faithful work being done to protect and help them: education p

07 JAN 2008 93 KB