The ecumenical and international Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) is increasingly used in Anglican Churches around the world to provide the biblical readings used in Sunday (and sometimes weekday) worship. It can be accessed here.
The excellent The Text this Week, contains a wealth of material. As well as contributions that are specifically written and original to the site, it acts as a gateway site leading into a wide range of other useful websites offering lectionary based resources.
A collection of resources called Sermons that work - comments on the RCL texts on The Episcopal Church of the USA web are available.
The following sites offer a selection of resources for and articles about worship.
Lift Up Your Hearts, the Worship and Spirituality Site of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada includes one of the widest and best organised wide selection of links to general practical liturgical and preaching resources.
A Liturgy section of this Anglican Communion website contains a collection of articles and resource links designed specifically with liturgical scholars in mind.
An extensive collection of the texts of present and past official Anglican prayer books (from a wide range of countries) can be found at