National Director: Captain Monika Clark
Address: PO Box26-209, Auckland, New Zealand
Tel: +64 27 470 0279
Email: [email protected]
Description of Organisation:
The Church Army of New Zealand exists to:
Know Christ, Make Him Known and help others do the same.
We do this by:
Programmes & Events:
Area of work: Australia and Pacific.
Number of staff: 27
National Director: The Revd Michael Hartfield
Address: 32 Mulgrave Street,PO Box 12 012, Thorndon, Wellington, 6144, New Zealand
Tel: +64 4 473 5172
Email: [email protected]
Description of Organisation:
Anglican Missions enables the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, in a spirit of partnership, to share in the global dimension of Christ's mission of proclaiming the Gospel, nurturing believers, responding to human need, transforming society, and caring for creation (The five Marks of Mission). It achieves this through
Programmes & Events:
Congregational and individual donations distributed through grants to the NZ Church Missionary Society; the Diocese of Polynesia; the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea; the Anglican Church of Melanesia; Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa; the Anglican Church of Tanzania and overseas educational institutions.
Partners in Prayer (annual) to encourage of prayer for mission partners and projects. Wall Planner; Projects Booklet; Annual report (all annual) and resources for talks and presentations.
Area of work: Aotearoa New Zealand, Polynesia, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Uganda, Middle East.
Number of staff: 4 staff no overseas personnel
President: Dr Judith Mackenzie
Address: 5 Chepstow Avenue,Fendalton, Christchurch, 8052, New Zealand
Tel: +64 3 385 9327
Email: [email protected]
Description of Organisation:
Originated from the Mothers' Union. First branch outside of England was established in Christchurch in 1886. Firmly established throughout New Zealand by 1893. Mothers' Union function under the umberela of AAW.
Programmes & Events:
Overseas and Outreach allocate grants for prjects that relate to 'Women and Children' - approved at our Triennual NZ AAW Conference. An emergency Fund is maintained for assistnce when need arises, eg floods, earthquakes etc.
Area of work: East Africa, South Asia (Indian subcontinent), Australia and Pacific, South America, New Zealand
Number of staff: Voluntary organisation
Executive Officer: Ruth Wildbore
Address: PO Box 31 025, Christchurch, New Zealand
Tel: +64 (0)3 348 6473
Email: [email protected]
Description of Organisation:
The Latimer Fellowship is a voluntary society within the Anglican Church in New Zealand. The fellowship is a covenant partner in AFFIRM- Anglican for Faith Renewal Intercession & Mission.
Programmes & Events:
Area of work: New Zealand
Number of staff: 1 and volunteers
National Director: Rosie Fyfe
Address: 78 Peterborough St, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND
Tel: +64 (0)3 377 2222
Email: [email protected]
Description of Organisation:
The New Zealand Church Missionary Society grew out of the work of the Church Missionary Society which began its ministry amongst Mario in Aotearoa-New Zealand in 1814. The NZ Church Missionary Association (1892) and later NZCMS (1916) moved the focus from mission in New Zealand to overseas. In 2000 NZCMS merged with the South American Missionary Society NZ. NZCMS works in co-operation with the New Zealand Board of Missions, the latter providing a significant part of the funding for mission partners.Programmes & Events:
The primary purpose of the Society is to send long-term mission partners overseas and where possible to work in partnership with the local church. In some cases mission partners are seconded to specialist agencies such a Wycliffe/SIL or are serving in a tent-making role. There is a growing number of short-termers. The majority of the latter spend two years overseas and at the completion of a term some apply to become full mission partners of the Society. The Society also has associate mission partners, that is those whose primary allegiance is with another agency but wish to keep a connection with NZCMS and the Anglican Church in New Zealand. The Society allocates 5% of its overseas budget to the support of nationals both as students and as teachers in Bible schools. At present it supports seven students and one teaching position.Area of work: East Africa, Middle East and North Africa, South Asia (Indian Subcontinent), South America, Europe.
Number of staff: 5 home staff 45 overseas
Director: The Revd Gradon Harvey
Address: PO Box 226, Waikanae, New Zealand
Tel: +64 (0)4 904 3018
Fax: +64 (0)4 904 3013
Email: [email protected]
Description of Organisation:
Programmes & Events:
Short Term missions in Fiji, Philippines, PNG South Africa, Nepal. Rwanda, Tonga and Samoa.
Area of work: Central Southern Africa, East Asia, Australasia and Pacific.
Number of staff: National Co-ordinator (Volunteer) Administrator (honouree)