There are at least 900,000 Anglicans out of an estimated population of just over 9 million in Burundi. An Anglican presence was established through the work of CMS in the 1930s and grew rapidly as a result of the East African Revival. The former Ruanda Mission set up its first mission stations at Buhiga and Matana in 1935, and Buye in 1936. There was much growth through medical work and education.
The first national Bishop was consecrated in 1965 and Buye diocese was created covering the whole country.
The EAB now consists of 9 dioceses. In 1975 Buye diocese was divided into two and Bujumbura diocese was created. The diocese of Gitega came into existence in 1985 followed by Matana in 1990 and Makamba in 1997. Muyinga diocese was created in 2005 and the diocese of Rumonge in 2013. The diocese of Buhiga and Rutana were inaugurated in 2017
The EAB has existed as a province since 1992.
The Church's major concerns include peace and reconciliation, advocacy, education, health, literacy and financial education, and community development. It is committed to mission and evangelism and is concerned to support theological education and training for ministry.