Primates' Meeting Dromantine, Ireland 20-25 February, 2005

Following on from the extraordinary meeting on October 15th-16th 2004 the Lambeth Commission reported to the Archbishop of Canterbury in October 2004, and published its unanimous report, the Windsor Report, later that month. It contained a wide range of recommendations to the primates, both to do with the current situation, and with the management of the future life of the Communion.

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The meeting in February 2005 in Northern Ireland was the first opportunity for the primates to consider the Windsor Report together. However, it was not the only business of the meeting. Since it is a regular meeting of the primates, there was an agenda which encompassed other issues, such as the response of the Anglican Communion to the tsunami disaster in the Indian Ocean, where specific Anglican churches have been caught up in events, and the ongoing work of the Communion with respect to HIV/AIDS and theological education.

The Primates issued a communique at the close of the meeting.