
Resolutions of ACC-8

  1. Christian spirituality
  2. Staff resources for spirituality and justice issues
  3. Areas of concern and crisis
  4. Liberia
  5. The South Pacific
  6. Prayers answered
  7. Calendars of the Churches
  8. Communion of the baptized but unconfirmed
  9. ACC Co-ordinator for Liturgy
  10.  Third International Anglican Liturgical Consultation
  11.  Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation
  12.  Adviser for the Decade of Evangelism
  13.  Translation of ACC documents
  14.  Status of circulated documents
  15.  Anglican-Lutheran relations
  16.  Anglican-Orthodox relations
  17.  The Filioque clause
  18.  The Anglican Centre in Rome
  19.  The care of God's creation
  20.  The Anglican Encounter
  21.  Identity and authority in the Anglican Communion
  22.  Agenda for the Council's meetings
  23.  Inter-Anglican Information Network (IAIN)
  24.  United Nations
  25.  The Philippine Episcopal Church
  26.  Co-opted member
  27.  The Archbishop of Canterbury's Commission on Communion and Women in the Episcopate
  28.  Adoption of accounts for 1989
  29.  Amendment of Constitution and Byelaws
  30.  Amendment to Resolution 29 of ACC-4
  31.  Approval of Financial Report
  32.  Attendance of Chairman of the Inter-Anglican Finance Committee at meetings of the ACC Standing Committee
  33.  Voting procedures
  34.  Votes of thanks
  35.  The Venerable Yong Ping Chung
  36.  The Archbishop of Canterbury

Resolution 1: Christian spirituality.

This Council urges every Diocese in our Communion to consider how through its structures it may encourage its members to see that a true Christian spirituality involves a concern for God's justice in the world, particularly in its own community.

Resolution 2: Staff resources for spirituality and justice issues

Among the priorities in its Inter-Anglican Budget this Council should provide staff resources for co-ordinating work on spirituality and justice issues within the Communion.

Resolution 3: Areas of concern and crisis

This Council calls the attention of its member Churches to the following areas of concern or crisis which have presented themselves to us with urgency during our time together, and urges, through study and the sharing of its results throughout the Communion, action where appropriate.

  • SOUTH AFRICA, a nation which struggles to reach a negotiated solution to the rank injustice of apartheid, and to whose Church and people at this crucial time we offer our continued solidarity, support and encouragement;
  • KENYA, where Church leaders are deeply concerned about curtailment of freedom of expression, massive rigging of elections and detention without trial;
  • ISRAEL AND THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, where the Palestinian people struggle to maintain their dignity and integrity under inhuman conditions;
  • CENTRAL AMERICA, whose agony is not yet over, and whose fragile peace is threatened both by economic ruin and deeply entrenched systemic injustices;
  • PANAMA, where unnecessary military force was used by a superpower to deal with an internal conflict;
  • nations whose INTERNATIONAL DEBT is paid with poverty, hunger and death, and whose people despair of the birthright of all God's children;
  • SRI LANKA, which, like NORTHERN IRELAND, endures chronic bloodletting, the end of which is not yet in sight;
  • EASTERN EUROPE, in whose revolutions lie seeds of great hope which, ironically, carry also the threat of drawing away resources from the 'developing world', thereby widening the scandalous gap between the rich and the poor;
  • SUDAN, where war, hunger and disease mount month by month, and whose Church calls out ever more urgently for the understanding and support of its partners-in-mission;
  • INNOCENT VICTIMS of government wrath in several countries under authoritarian rule, some of whom have been summarily executed;
  • the KOREAN NATION, tragically divided into two through no fault of its own, yearning for reunification and the harmony of its people;
  • TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, whose people have been suddenly confronted, in this time we have met here together, with a crisis yet to be worked through, and whose Church requests our prayers;
  • MOZAMBIQUE, where people lose life daily as a direct consequence of war and hunger, and where the Churches have been praying and working, and requesting prayers and support, for peace and reconciliation.

Resolution 4: Liberia

This Council urges the Secretary General of the United Nations to use all his powers to bring to a speedy conclusion the fighting in Liberia, guaranteeing safe passage to refugees, and basic human rights to all the people of Liberia at this unsettled time.

Resolution 5: The South Pacific

This Council, noting that the people of the South Pacific, far removed from mass-media attention, face the economic and ecological ravages of drift-net fishing, the dangers in dumping nuclear wastes and poisonous gases, and continued testing of nuclear weapons by great powers, urges upon the Secretary General of the United Nations its concern for an immediate end to these practices.

Resolution 6: Prayers answered

This Council is thankful to God for many signs of encouragement since its last meeting in Singapore, noting that during these last three years the prayers of God's people have been answered in such events as the release of Nelson Mandela, the independence of Namibia and the fall of the Berlin Wall with all that it signified.

Resolution 7: Calendars of the Churches

This Council:

  1. receives the recommendations of the Lambeth Conference 1988 in its Resolution 60 (Recognition of Saints) to discuss the proposal by Africa Region, that the Anglican Communion should recognise men and women who have lived godly lives as saints, by including them in the calendars of the Churches for remembrance; and
  2. instructs the Co-ordinator for Liturgy, after consultation with the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation and research into earlier documentation and existing practice in some member Churches, to prepare guidelines for the recognition of men and women who have lived godly lives, by including them in the calendars of the Churches, and to submit these guidelines to the Standing Committee before disseminating them among the Churches as advice.

Resolution 8: Communion of the baptized but unconfirmed

This Council:

  1. notes that the Lambeth Conference 1988 in its Resolution 69 (Admission to Communion) has requested all Provinces to consider the theological and pastoral issues involved in the admission of those baptized but unconfirmed to Holy Communion, and to report their findings to the Secretariat;
  2. instructs the Co-ordinator for Liturgy to remind the member Churches of this request, and to arrange for the collation of their responses for submission to ACC-9.

Resolution 9: ACC Co-ordinator for Liturgy

This Council expresses its appreciation of the action of the Anglican Church of Canada in enabling the appointment to the Anglican Consultative Council staff of the Revd Paul Gibson as part-time Co-ordinator for Liturgy.

Resolution 10: Third International Anglican Liturgical Consultation

This Council:

  1. receives with appreciation the statement 'Down to earth worship' (Appendix I on p 172 below), commends it and the companion essays of Liturgical inculturation in the Anglican Communion to the member Churches for study, invites them to send responses and further examples of liturgical inculturation to the Co-ordinator for Liturgy, and expresses appreciation to the members of the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation for their thoughtful and helpful work on behalf of the Communion;
  2. welcomes the Guidelines (Appendix II, p 177) set out in the findings of the third International Anglican Liturgical Consultation, and believes that the Consultations have a continuing and import- ant role in addressing liturgical issues affecting the Anglican Communion.

Resolution 11: Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation

This Council commends the affirmations and covenants of the Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation meeting at the World Convocation in Seoul, and asks all member Churches to identify and share these points where they relate to their own urgent local concerns; it instructs the Anglican Peace and Justice Network

  1. to monitor the Anglican Communion's response and adherence to the Seoul covenants;
  2. to share stories of specific ways in which these issues are being tackled in different areas, how these can be supported, what we can learn from them, and what their implications are for our own witness;
  3. to develop the common historical and theological analysis needed and thus move towards a common Christian 'confession' on the global crisis;
  4. to make recommendations for further action to the Churches through the Anglican Consultative Council.

Resolution 12: Adviser for the Decade of Evangelism

This Council urges, in the light of the termination of the secondment of the Adviser for the Decade of Evangelism, that practical steps be taken by the Standing Committee to provide some form of gathering and storing of information by the member Churches during the Decade and beyond.

Resolution 13: Translation of ACC documents

This Council should be aware of the need for documents issued by the Council to be available in translation, and should seek to facilitate this through the member Churches.

Resolution 14: Status of circulated documents

This Council requests the Standing Committee to consider for future meetings of the Council the need to clarify the status of documents circulated, both to member Churches and to Council members, and the purpose of the discussion of them by the Council.

Resolution 15: Anglican-Lutheran relations

This Council resolves that the name of the Anglican-Lutheran international dialogue be changed from 'The Anglican-Lutheran International Continuation Committee' (ALICC) to 'The Anglican-Lutheran International Commission', in response to Resolution 4.3 of the Lambeth Conference 1988 (The truth shall make you free, p 204) and the action of the Executive Committee of the Lutheran World Federation.

Resolution 16: Anglican-Orthodox relations

This Council resolves that the name of the Anglican-Orthodox Dialogue be changed from 'The Anglican/Orthodox Joint Doctrinal Discussions' (AlOJDD) to 'The International Commission of Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue' (ICAOTD), in response to the unanimous request of the members of the Dialogue.

Resolution 17: The Filioque clause

This Council resolves, in response to Lambeth Conference 1988 Resolution 6.5 (Anglican-Orthodox relations) which recalls Resolution 35.3 of the Lambeth Conference 1978, and in view of the generally positive response of the Churches in considering the removal of the Filioque clause from liturgical texts, and believing it possible to establish the historic text of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed by removing the Filioque clause without betrayal of the Anglican theological heritage, to recommend to the member Churches of the Anglican Communion that in future liturgical revisions of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed the Filioque clause be omitted.

Resolution 18: The Anglican Centre in Rome

This Council, having carefully considered the report of the Primates' Special Committee on the Anglican Centre in Rome and the Primates' Standing Committee's comments thereon, together with the proposed alterations to the Constitution of the Centre from its Council, and other submissions from the Centre, wishes to affirm the importance of the Centre in the life of the Communion and its desire to see its work continued and maintained in the most appropriate and cost-effective way, and now asks the Council of the Centre to amend its Constitution with immediate effect so as to replace the existing Council and Executive Committee with a new Governing Body consisting of:

  1. the Chairman, who shall be either the Anglican Co-chairman of the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission or his nominee from among the Anglican membership of the Commission;
  2. a person appointed by the Anglican Consultative Council;
  3. a person appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury;
  4. the Secretary, who shall be the Ecumenical Secretary of the Anglican Consultative Council.

The Governing Body shall co-opt as a member a person with financial expertise, unless one of the above qualifies.

All powers, duties and responsibilities of the present Council shall be assumed by the new Governing Body.

The foregoing amendments to the Constitution have the full endorsement of this Council, which by this Resolution completes the ratification required by the Constitution of the Anglican Centre.

The new Governing Body shall review the work, modus operandi and financial structure of the Centre and library, draft an appropriate Constitution to reflect these changes, and seek ratification from ACC-9.

This Council agrees, subject to the above amendments being adopted, to make budgetary provision for the next three years for allocation of a maximum of £40,000 for each of 1991 and 1992, and £42,250 for 1993, on the understanding that the Governing Body will be completely responsible for funding as soon as possible within the three-year period, and no later than the end of 1993.

This Council also resolves that Dr Diane Maybee shall be the person appointed by the Anglican Consultative Council if and when the new Governing Body comes into existence.

Resolution 19: The care of God's creation

This Council resolves:

  1. that the Archbishop of Canterbury be invited to sign on behalf of the Council the 'Letter to our children' appearing within the report of Section IV (pp 127-130) and that it be sent forthwith to the member Churches, with the request that it be used as a means of promoting understanding and the sharing of practical action with regard to care of the environment;
  2. that the Standing Committee be asked to liaise with

    1. the Anglican Youth Network and
    2. Anglican representatives to the assembly of the World Council of Churches in Canberra, with a view to programmes being developed throughout the Communion on the care of God's creation.

Resolution 20: The Anglican Encounter

This Council commends the Anglican Encounter to be held in Brazil in 1992 and encourages member Churches to arrange for participa- tion in this event.

(Explanatory Note: Anglican Encounter is planned by women and men from the six Provinces and national Churches of the Americas, in response to the call of the World Council of Churches for an ecumenical Decade ofChurches in Solidarity with Women.)

Resolution 21: Identity and authority in the Anglican Communion

This Council, having received the document 'The Anglican Communion: Identity and authority' together with responses to it from four member Churches, resolves that:

  1. continued consideration of the document by member Churches be encouraged, together with consideration of responses;
  2. it should be referred for further responses generally and in particular:

    1. for theological exploration to the Inter-Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission (in line with clause I of Lambeth Resolution 18) and to member Churches;
    2. to the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation, MISAG-2 and the Peace and Justice Network;
  3. member Churches be requested to act as a network (with the assistance of the Secretariat) in keeping other member Churches informed of their responses to the document;
  4. the responses be collated by the Secretariat in due time for the issues to be further considered at ACC-9.

This Council welcomes the proposal for a closer relationship between the Council and the Primates' Meeting, but considers the role of both bodies should remain consultative, and for this reason regards the document 'Provincial constitutions: autonomy and interdependence', circulated to the Council, as premature. This Council recommends that the proposed Common Declaration should be referred to the Inter-Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission for study and report to ACC-9, and that member Churches should be asked to respond to this document so that replies can be discussed by ACC-9.

Resolution 22: Agenda for the Council's meetings

This Council resolves that a list and description of matters referred to the Council by a previous meeting, by a member Church, by the Primates' Meeting, by the Lambeth Conference, or by any other body, be prepared for each meeting of the Council, and that member Churches be consulted in the preparation of the agenda for meetings.

Resolution 23: Inter-Anglican Information Network (IAIN)

This Council welcomes with gratitude the provision of funds from Trinity Church, Wall Street, New York, that has enabled the setting up of the Inter-Anglican Information Network. It further records its thanks to the Director, the Revd Frederick Howard, for the progress made in establishing communication links within this project. It notes that the present provision will end in June 1992, and hopes that further funding outside the Inter-Anglican Budget will be found by the Director before that date for continuation of the development.

Resolution 24: United Nations

This Council, reiterating the thanks to the Episcopal Church USA expressed at ACC-7 for financial and administrative help in setting up Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) affiliation status with the United Nations Organisation, and grateful for further help from the Diocese of New York, Trinity Church (Wall Street, New York), and General Seminary (New York), confirms and welcomes the appointment of the Right Revd Sir Paul Reeves as the Anglican Consultative Council representative for the years 1991-1993, expecting this appointment to have benefits for all member Churches.
It recognises that if after this triennial period a further appointment is to be made, funding from outside the Inter-Anglican Budget will be required.

Resolution 25: The Philippine Episcopal Church

This Council welcomes the Philippine Episcopal Church, hitherto a member of the Eighth Province of ECUSA, as the latest member Church of the Anglican Communion, and thus of this Council.

Resolution 26: Co-opted member

This Council asks the Standing Committee, after due consultation and consideration, to appoint a co-opted member to succeed Bishop Abellon.

Resolution 27: The Archbishop of Canterbury's Commission on Communion and Women in the Episcopate

This Council welcomes the Report of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Commission on Communion and Women in the Episcopate (Parts One and Two; popularly known as the Eames Report), and commends it to all member Churches for their study. It urges member Churches whose policies in this regard differ to strive to maintain as high a degree of communion as possible.

Resolution 28: Adoption of accounts for 1989

This Council resolves that the Report and Financial Statements of the Anglican Consultative Council for the year ended 31 December 1989, as approved by the Standing Committee of the Council and signed on its behalf by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, should be, and that they are hereby, adopted by this Council.

Resolution 29: Amendment of Constitution and Byelaws

This Council resolves that:

    1. two new sub-clauses be added to clause 2 of the Constitution to read as follows:

      “(a) to facilitate the co-operative work of the member Churches of the Anglican Communion.”

      “(l) to assist the Inter-Anglican Finance Committee (as herein- after defined), the Primates' Meeting and the Lambeth Conference as and when required to do so.”
    2. The other sub-clauses of this clause to be re-referenced accordingly.

  1. Byelaws be amended, pursuant to clause 2( o) of the Constitution, as follows:

    1. In Byelaw 3(a) after the words 'financial affairs' there be added: 'and the financial affairs of the Inter-Anglican Finance Committee'.
    2. In Byelaw 3(b) after the word 'reports' there be added: 'such documents to include full financial reports on the Inter-Anglican Finance Committee, the Primates' Meeting and where necessary the Lambeth Conference'.
  2. the existing Byelaw 4 be deleted and replaced by the following, to be numbered 5:

    'The Inter-Anglican Finance Committee in collaboration with the Standing Committee shall, in consultation with member Churches, be responsible for the annual Inter-Anglican Budget, which will include the costs of the Inter-Anglican Finance Committee, the Primates' Meeting and the Lambeth Conference, and shall keep members of the Council and member Churches informed of each year's budget, and about the forecast for each of the succeeding three years. In the light of those draft budgets the Council, in consultation with the Primates, shall determine the level of expenditure and the income required to meet its purposes. The contributions to the Inter-Anglican Budget shall be apportioned among the member bodies as in clauses (b) to ( e ) inclusive of the schedule of membership.'
  3. a new Byelaw be inserted to read as follows and be numbered 4:

    'Inter-Anglican Finance Committee

    1. The Council in conjunction with the Primates' Meeting shall appoint a finance committee of at least five members, to be called the "Inter-Anglican Finance Committee", which shall be responsible for co-ordinating the finances required by the Council, the Primates' Meeting and the Lambeth Conference.
    2. The membership shall consist of at least two members appointed by the Primates' Meeting, and at least three members appointed by the Council.
    3. Members appointed by the Council shall take their place on the Committee as from the end of the Council Meeting at which they are elected, and their membership shall continue so long as they remain members of the Council. Members appointed by the Primates' Meeting shall serve as long as the Primates shall determine.
    4. The Inter-Anglican Finance Committee shall appoint from its own membership its Chairperson and Vice-chairperson.' The remaining Byelaws shall be renumbered appropriately.

Resolution 30: Amendment to Resolution 29 of ACC-4

This Council resolves that Resolution 29 of ACC-4 shall be rescinded and instead the following shall replace it:

Meetings of the Primates and the Lambeth Conference The Secretary General and his staff shall be available to serve, as the Archbishop of Canterbury shall require, as staff for meetings of the Primates and Lambeth Conference. The ACC shall not be responsible for the expenses of the Primates' Meeting or the Lambeth Conference. The Primates' Meetings and the Lambeth Conference shall be responsible for expenses incurred on their behalf by the Secretary General and his staff.”

Resolution 31: Approval of Financial Report

This Council resolves that the Inter-Anglican Finance Committee Report, including budgets for for 1991, 1992 and 1993 is accepted subject to the following amendments, as recommended by the Inter-Anglican Finance Committee, required in order to meet the anticipated shortfalls in contributions from some member Churches in 1991 and 1992:

Resolution 32: Attendance of Chairman of the Inter-Anglican Finance Committee at meetings of the ACC Standing Committee

This Council resolves that the Chairman of the Inter-Anglican Finance Committee be invited to all meetings of the ACC Standing Committee.

Resolution 33: Voting procedures

This Council requests its Standing Committee to formulate for approval at ACC-9 Byelaws specifying procedures for elections and appointments required by the Constitution of the Council.

Resolution 34: Votes of thanks

  1. This Council gives thanks to God for the contribution of the following outgoing members who have served it faithfully. The Council assures them of its prayers.

    Mr Maxwell F. Horton (Australia)
    The Very Revd Walter Asbil (Canada)
    Mr Gervase Chidawanyika (Central Africa)
    Dr Margaret Hewitt (England)
    Mrs Rhoda Lusaka (Kenya)
    The Right Revd Samuel Ebo (Nigeria)
    The Revd Canon John Kanyikwa (Sudan)
    The Most Revd Edmond Browning (USA)
    Mr David Mclntyre (Wales)
    The Right Revd Drexel Gomez (West Indies)
    The Most Revd Richard Abellon (Philippines)
    and in particular gives thanks for the work of the following members retiring from the Standing Committee:

    The Most Revd Robert Eames (Ireland)
    The Revd Canon Winston Ndungane (Southern Africa)
  2. This Council expresses its gratitude for the excellence of the Presentation Addresses made by:

    The Right Revd Roger Herft
    The Revd Professor Jaci Maraschin
  3. This Council gives thanks to the following Ecumenical Partners for their presence and participation and for their wise counsel and advice:

    The Revd Dr Eugene Brand (Lutheran World Federation)
    The Right Revd Sigisbert Kraft (Old Catholic Church)
    The Revd Monsignor Kevin McDonald (Roman Catholic Church)
    The Right Revd Philipose Mar Chrysostom (Mar Thoma Church)
    The Revd Bernard Thorogood (World Council ofChurches)
    The Revd Dr Henry Wilson (World Alliance of Reformed Churches)
  4. This Council expresses its appreciation and gratitude to the Hosting Committee:

    The Most Revd George Noakes (Chairman)
    The Right Revd Roy Davies
    Mr Glyn Ellis
    The Venerable Barrie Evans
    Mr John 0. Evans
    Mrs Dilys Fowler
    Mrs Susan James
    The Revd David Jones
    Mr David Mclntyre
    Mrs Margaret Mclntyre
    Mr Wyn Mears
    Mrs Jean Noakes
    The Venerable Bryan Williams
  5. This Council expresses its appreciation and gratitude to the Editorial and Section Staff:

    The Revd Dr Donald Anderson (ACC staff)
    Mr Robin Brookes (Publisher)
    Mr Roger Coleman (Editor)
    Mrs Nicola Currie (ACC staff)
    The Revd Paul Gibson (ACC staff)
    The Revd Patrick Mauney (ECUSA)
    The Revd Canon Stephen Platten (Lambeth Palace staff)
    The Revd Canon Michael Rees (England)
    The Revd Canon Robert Renouf (ACC staff)
    Miss Charlotte Rivers (Australia)
    Deaconess Margaret Rodgers (Australia)
    Mr James Solheim (ECUSA)
    Mr Douglas Tindal (Canada)
    The Revd Canon Kenyon Wright (Scotland)
  6. This Council expresses its appreciation and gratitude to the following:

    Communications team
    Mr Michael Barwell (ECUSA)
    The Revd Dr Robert Browne (ECUSA)
    Mr Robert Byers (ACC staff)
    The Revd Peter Davis (New Zealand)
    The Revd Alun Evans (Wales)
    Mrs Elizabeth Gibson-Harries (Ireland)
    Miss Flavia Gonsalves (England)
    The Revd David Jones (Wales)
    Ms Estelle Marinus (Southern Africa)
    The Revd Stanley Nyahwa (Central Africa)
    Mr James Rosenthal (ACC staff)
    Mrs Audra Surgeoner (Ireland)
    Council staff team
    Miss Lorraine Ashton
    Ms Lisa Barnes
    Mrs Helen Bates
    Mrs Joan Christey
    Mrs Elizabeth Coy
    Miss Deirdre Hoban
    The Revd Frederick Howard
    Miss Marjorie Murphy
    The Revd Canon Howard Root
    The Revd Michael Sams
    Mrs Rowena Small
    Miss Janice Smith
    The Revd Canon Roger Symon
    The Revd Canon Samuel Van Culin
    Youth volunteers:
    Miss Louise Cash
    Mr Stephen Dunwoody
    Miss Suzanne Wright
    Chaplaincy team:
    The Revd Margaret Harvey
    Mrs Sue Oldroyd
    The Right Revd Alwyn Rice Jones
    Miss Jean Dabinett
    Mrs Susan James
    Miss Euluned Morgan
    Miss Mary Ridgewell
    Miss Norma Westlake
  7. This Council expresses its appreciation and gratitude to the following:
    Mrs June Davis and all the staff at Dyffryn House and Gardens
    The Revd Henry Burlton, Chaplain, Heathrow Airport
    Mr Ajah Sodha and Key Travel
    The staff of Lloyds Bank
  8. This Council records its thanks to those member Churches which seconded Communications and Section Staff to facilitate this meeting of ACC-8.

Resolution 35: The Venerable Yong Ping Chung

This Council records its united and most affectionate gratitude to the Venerable Yong Ping Chung, its Chairman from 1984 to 1990, covering ACC-7 and ACC-8, and his service to the Council from ACC-4 in 1979. It has particularly valued his friendship and interest in all members, ensuring their concerns and needs are met from the earliest days of their membership, his patience, humour and fairness in chairing its meetings, his pastoral care for the ACC staff and his prayerful spirituality in leading all its affairs. It has warmly welcomed his appointment as the Bishop of Sabah and prays for God's richest blessings on his ministry, in partnership with his wife Julia and his daughters Lois and Sarah, in the coming years.

Resolution 36: The Archbishop of Canterbury

This Council, representing the whole Anglican Communion, expresses to the Archbishop of Canterbury at this last meeting at which he will be President its united and deepest appreciation of his ministry to every member Church during his Presidency. His uniting and reconciling leadership, warm and gracious encouragement, cheerful and sensitive approach to fellow leaders and ordinary Church members in all parts of the world, rooted in devotion to his Lord, haye enriched the Anglican Commumon and many others beyond its membership. The Council, drawn from many parts of the world, having experienced this ministry, has also admired the quiet dignity with which he has faced all situations, painful as well as pleasant, andgratefully acknowledges the moral authority he has always displayed. The Council prays that he and Mrs Runcie will enjoy along and satisfying retirement.