Membership of the ACC is determined by the Constitution of the Anglican Consultative Council, section 3, and the Schedule of Membership. Members are appointed or elected by their Province for a maximum of 3 Meetings, or six years, whichever is longer, or for such shorter period as the appointing body shall determine.
A member remains a member until immediately prior to the meeting at which his or her successor takes his or her place (ACC 4, Resolution 28). The current members of the ACC are those who participated in the most recent meeting of the ACC.
ACC-16 Membership
The Most Revd & Rt Hon Justin Welby
The Rt Revd James Tengatenga
Vice Chair
Canon Elizabeth Paver
Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia
The Revd Jacynthia Murphy
Ven Sepiuta Hala’api’api
The Rt Revd Dr Sarah Macneil
Mr Garth Blake
The Ven Arthur Copeman
The Rt Revd Samhel Sunil Mankhin
Professor Joanildo Burity
The Rt Revd Eraste Bigirimana
Mrs Goretti Wege
The Rt Revd Jane Alexander
The Ven Dr Michael Thompson
Ms Suzanne Lawson
Central Africa
The Rt Revd David Njovu
Mr Arthur Morris Tendayi Mutsonziwa
Central America
Mr Jeroham Melendez
The Revd Dr Yossa Way
Mr Jean Bosco Tshiswaka Kabeya
The Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell
The Revd Rose Hudson-Wilkin
Canon Margaret A Swinson
Hong Kong
The Most Revd Dr Paul Kwong
Indian Ocean
The Revd Canon Samitiana Jhonson Razafindralambo
Professor Michel Razafiarivony
The Revd Dr Maurice Elliott
Mr Wilfred F Baker
The Rt Revd David Eisho Uehara
[Revd Paul Tolhurst – Translator to the Bishop]
Jerusalem and the Middle East
The Rt Revd Michael Lewis
The Rt Revd Joel Waweru
The Very Ven Canon Philip M Obwogi
Mr Peter Gachuhi
The Rev. Stephen Si-Kyung Yoo
The Revd George Elo
Ms Maria Dolores Huerta
The Revd Canon Saw Maung Doe
The Most Revd Ikechi Nwachukwu Nwosu - absent
The Ven Dr Abraham Okorie – absent
Mr Abraham Yisa – absent
North India
The Rt Revd Dr Prem C. Singh – unable to attend
Mr Prem Masih – absent
The Revd Nigel Pope
The Rt Revd Alwin Samuel
Ms Shunila Ruth
Papua New Guinea
The Rt Revd Allan Migi – unable to attend
[Plus 1 lay delegate to be appointed]
Revd James Ngala Boligit
The Rt Revd Augustin Ahimana - absent
Revd Charles Kubwayo - absent
Mrs Lucie Nzaramba - absent
Mr Alistair Dinnie
South America
The Rt Revd Nicholas Drayson
South East Asia
The Ven Canon Moses Chin
Mr Charles Leong
South India
The Rt Revd Thomas K. Oommen
The Revd P Isaac Varaprasad
Mr C Robert Bruce – absent
Southern Africa
The Most Revd Dr Thabo Makgoba (also a member of the Primates’ SC)
The Revd Jerome Stanley Francis
Ms Louisa Lette-Mojela
South Sudan and Sudan
The Most Revd Dr Daniel Deng Bul Yak
The Revd Bartholomew Bol Deng
Mrs Harriet Baka Nathan
The Rt Revd Dr Dickson Chilongani – unable to attend
The Revd Can. Capt. Johnson Chinyong'ole
Mrs Judith Ghemela
The Episcopal Church
The Rt Revd Dr Ian Douglas
The Revd Gay Jennings
Canon Rosalie Simmonds Ballentine
Mrs Helen Biggin
West Africa
The Very Revd Dr Herman Browne
Mr Kwame Asiedu-Basoah
West Indies
Revd Reid Simon
Mr Clifton Nedd
Co-opted Members
The Revd Canon Ulla Monberg (Diocese in Europe)
Rt Revd Dhiloraj Canagasabeyn (Church of Ceylon)
Ms Ncumisa Ngolwethu Magadla (Youth)
Miss Fungai Catherine Ngangira (Youth)
Primates Standing Committee Members
The Most Revd & Rt Hon Dr John Holder West Indies
The Most Revd Dr Richard Clarke Ireland
The Most Revd Philip Freier Australia
The Most Revd Dr Mouneer Hanna Anis Jerusalem & Middle East – absent
The Most Revd Dr Thabo Makgoba Southern Africa
Ecumenical Participants
Ms Natasha Klukach World Council of churches
HG Bishop Angaelos Coptic Orthodox Church
HE Metropolitan Seraphim of Zimbabwe Ecumenical Patriarchate
Fr Anthony Currer Roman Catholic Church
Bishop Ivan Abrahams World Methodist Council – unable to attend
Revd Chris Ferguson World Communion of Reformed Churches
Bishop Dick Schoon Old Catholic Churches f the Union of Utrecht
Bishop Matti Repo Lutheran World Federation
Dr Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church
Dr Femi Adeleye Global Christian Forum