
Participants at ACC-12

The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand & Polynesia
The Rt Revd John Paterson
The Ven Winston Halapua
Professor Whatarangi Winiata

The Anglican Church of Australia
The Rt Revd Robert Silk
Archdeacon Kay Goldsworthy
Mr Robert Fordham
Mrs Lenore Parker Co-opted

The Church of Bangladesh
The Revd Sunil Mankhin

Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil
The Rt Revd Mauricio de Andrade

The Episcopal Church of Burundi
The Rt Revd Martin Nyaboho

The Anglican Church of Canada
The Rt Revd Michael Ingham
The Rt Revd Susan Moxley
Dr Stephen Toope

The Church of the Province of Central Africa
The Most Revd Bernard Amos Malango
The Rt Revd James Tengatenga
Mr Daniel Taolo

Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America
Mr Luis Valleé

Province de L'Eglise Anglicane Du Congo
The Revd Basimaki Byabasaija
Miss Joyce Muhindo Tsongo

The Church of England
The Rt Revd Richard Harries
The Most Revd and Rt Hon George Leonard Carey
The Very Revd Dr John Moses
Canon Elizabeth Paver

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui
Ms Fung Yi Wong

The Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean
Mr Bernard Georges

The Church of Ireland
The Most Revd Robert Henry Alexander Eames 
The Very Revd Michael Burrows
Miss Kate Turner

The Nippon Sei Ko Kai (The Anglican Communion in Japan)
The Revd Sam Isamu Koshiishi

The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem & The Middle East
The Rt Revd Riah Abu El-Assal
Mr Ghazi Musharbash Co-opted

The Anglican Church of Kenya
The Rt Revd Joseph Wasonga
Mr Amos Kiriro

The Anglican Church of Korea
The Revd Dr John Lee

The Church of the Province of Melanesia
The Rt Revd David Vunagi

La Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico
Engineer Antonio Ortega Reybal

The Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma)
Mr Saw Si Hai

The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
The Most Revd Peter Akinola
The Very Revd Dr David Okeke
Chief Godwin Ajayi

The Church of North India (United)
The Revd Enos Pradhan
Mr Richard Thornton

The Church of Pakistan (United)
The Rt Revd Samuel Azariah
Mr Farrukh Parvez

The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea
Mr Roger Baboa

The Episcopal Church in the Philippines
Mr Warren Luyaben

L'Eglise Episcopal au Rwanda
The Rt Revd Josias Sendegeya
The Revd Damien Nteziryayo
Mrs Margaret Bihabanyi

The Scottish Episcopal Church
Mr John Rae

Church of the Province of South East Asia
The Rt Revd Bolly Lapok

The Church of South India (United)
The Rt Revd Peter Peter Sugandhar 
The Revd Govada Dyvasirvadam
Professor George Koshy

The Church of the Province of Southern Africa
The Rt Revd Petrus Hilukiluah
The Ven Margaret Vertue
Canon Maureen Sithole

Iglesia Anglicana del Cono Sur de America
The Rt Revd Hector Zavala

The Episcopal Church of the Sudan
The Rt Revd Michael Lugor
The Rt Revd Ezekiel Kondo
Mr Is-Hag Kannidi Kodi Kodi

The Anglican Church of Tanzania
The Rt Revd Simon E Chiwanga
The Rt Revd Gerard Mpango
Mrs Joyce Ngoda

The Church of the Province of Uganda
The Most Revd Livingstone Mpalanyi-Nkoyoyo
The Revd Canon Job Bariira-Mbukure
Mrs Jolly Babirukamu
The Revd Canon Lovey Kisembo Co-opted

The Episcopal Church in the USA
The Rt Revd Catherine Roskam
The Revd Robert Sessum
Ms Judith Conley

The Church in Wales
The Ven Bryan Bryan Williams
Miss Sylvia Scarf

The Church of the Province of West Africa
Professor Adrian DeHeer-Amissah

The Church in the Province of the West Indies
The Revd Robert Thompson
Mr Bernard Turner
Miss Andrea Payne Co-opted

The Church of Ceylon
Mr Nicolas Casie Chetty

The Reformed Episcopal Church of Spain (E-P to the Archbishop of Canterbury)
The Rt Revd Carlos Lopez-Lozano Co-opted