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Section IV.3 - An Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations

Resolution IV.3

An Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations

This Conference:

  1. (a) while noting that expense will be involved, endorses the proposal of the Ecumenical Advisory Group, endorsed by the ACC-10 in Panama (Resolution 16), that the EAG be replaced by an Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations; and
  2. proposes that the tasks of this Commission should be:
    1. to monitor and enable Anglican participation in multilateral and bilateral dialogues, both regional and international;
    2. to monitor and encourage the process of response, decision and reception;
    3. to ensure theological consistency in dialogues and conversations by reviewing regional and provincial proposals with ecumenical partners and, when an agreement affects the life of the Communion as a whole, after consultation with the ACC, to refer the matter to the Primates' Meeting, and only if that Meeting so determines, to the Lambeth Conference, before the Province enters the new relationship;
    4. to give particular attention to anomalies which arise in the context of ecumenical proposals with a view to discerning those anomalies which may be bearable in the light of progress towards an agreed goal of visible unity, and to suggest ways for resolving them;
    5. to consider, when appropriate, if and how an agreement made in one region or Province can be adopted in other regions or Provinces;
    6. to address issues of terminology;
    7. to facilitate the circulation of documents and ecumenical resources throughout the Communion, as far as possible in the languages of the Communion.

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