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Section I.2 - Religious Freedom and Tolerance

This Conference, meeting at the dawn of the new millennium calls upon:

(a) all faith communities, especially the Christian Church, to acknowledge our responsibility to mobilise our spiritual, moral and material resources to promote and protect as absolute rights, each person's freedom of thought, conscience and religion;

(b) the leaders of all faith communities to encourage their congregations to reach out to people of all faiths among whom they live, move and have their being, in order to proclaim and demonstrate the imperatives of love and reconciliation as a pre-condition for a new world community; and

(c) governments of all the nations our Churches represent to strive for creation of just and free conditions for people of all religions to practice their beliefs "either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his (or her) religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance." (UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18)