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Resolution 7 - Anglican-Reformed Dialogue

Resolution 7

Anglican-Reformed Dialogue

This Conference:

1. Impressed by the insight of the Report of the Anglican-Reformed Conversations, "God's Reign and our Unity," particularly of the way in which the unity and mission of the Church and the quest for human unity are set within the context of the Kingdom of God, commends this text for widespread study and synodical reception throughout the Anglican Communion.

2. Notes with satisfaction that the dialogue helps both Anglicans and Reformed to recover together a reformed pattern of the three-fold ministry; and that Anglicans are challenged to consider the expression of diaconal ministry, the Reformed the expression of the personal dimension of oversight (episcope) at the regional level.

3. Endorses the stress on the need for personal, collegial and commmunal expressions of ministry exercised at every level of the Church's life.

4. Recommends that the ACC collects from the provinces responses to the dialogue and any implications that have resulted; and requests the ACC to consult with the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (Presbyterian and Congregational) over the setting up of a small continuation committee to encourage wider study and implementation in life [sic, read "light"] of the insights of this dialogue as a contribution towards growth in unity.

5. Acknowledging that this is the only dialogue which deals at any length with the ordination of women to the threefold order, notes that it is suggested that "it is clearly impossible for Churches which exist in the same geographical area but which take different stands on this issue to enter into complete union"; recommends further study on this issue in the light of the remaining differences of opinion and practice in both traditions.

6. Affirms that concept promoted in this dialogue that orthopraxis (right action) is as important in ecumenical conversations as orthodoxy (right belief), and therefore urges that adequate attention be given to orthopraxis in all ecumenical dialogue.

(See further paras 59, 61, 64 and 70 of the Report on "Ecumenical Relations.")