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Resolution 46 - Ministry of all Bishops

Resolution 46

Ministry of all Bishops

This Conference resolves that each province re-examine the position and work of all bishops active in full-time diocesan work, including those known in various provinces as suffragan, assistant, assisting, area or regional bishops, to ensure that all bishops have a true episcope of jurisdiction and pastoral care and are seen as belonging fully to the local college of bishops.

(See further paras 156 and 157 of the Report on "Mission and Ministry.")

Resolution 46A

Ministry of all Bishops

This Conference resolves that each province re-examine the principle that all bishops active in full-time diocesan work be made full members, with seat, voice and vote, of all provincial, national and international gatherings of Anglican bishops.

(See further para. 157(b) of the Report on "Mission and Ministry.")