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Resolution 39 - South Africa

Resolution 39

South Africa

This Conference:

1. Reaffirms its belief that the system of apartheid in South Africa is evil and especially repugnant because of the cruel way a tyrannical racist system is being upheld in the name of the Christian faith.

2. Condemns the detention of children without just cause.

3. Calls upon the Churches to press their governments to (a) bring the maximum pressure to bear on the South African regime in order to promote a genuine process of change towards the establishment of democratic political structures in a unified state; (b) institute forms of sanction calculated to have the maximum effect in bringing an end to the evil dispensation, and in establishing a just peace among all citizens; (c) give direct aid to anti-apartheid organisations within South Africa particularly with a view to assisting the unemployed and persecuted; (d) give effective practical support to the Frontline States in order to ensure their economic survival and welfare, as well as their military protection from the threat of South African aggression; (e) push for the release of Nelson Mandela and all other political prisoners and detainees in South Africa, and the unbanning of organisations like the African National Congress and the Pan Africanist Congress which represent the majority of citizens; (f) give direct moral and humanitarian support to such organisations in the pursuit of a just order which reflects Gospel values, and urges the Churches to ensure that none of their own financial resources is [sic.] used to support the present regime in South Africa and for this purpose to disinvest from all corporations which have a significant financial stake in South Africa (ACC-7, Resolution 24).

4. Believes that to work for a just peace in South Africa is to work for the true liberation of all peoples of the region, black and white.

Mandela, Nelson The Lambeth Conference agreed to the request by Bishop D. Sengulane (Diocese of Lebombo, Mozambique) that he be dissociated from this motion.

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