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Resolution 21 - Inter-faith Dialogue: Jewish/Christian/Muslim

Resolution 21

Inter-faith Dialogue: Jewish/Christian/Muslim

This Conference:

1. Commends the document "Jews, Christians and Muslims: The Way of Dialogue" for study and encourages the Churches of the Anglican Communion to engage in dialogue with Jews and Muslims on the basis of understanding, affirmation and sharing illustrated in it.

2. Recommends that the Anglican Consultative Council gives consideration to the setting up of an inter-faith committee, which committee, in the interest of cost and in practical pursuance of our commitment to ecumenism, would work in close co-operation with the Inter-Faith Dialogue Committee of the WCC; and that this committee, amongst its other work, establishes a common approach to people of other faiths on a Communion-wide basis and appoints working parties to draw up more detailed guidelines for relationships with Judaism and Islam and other faiths as appropriate.

3. Recommends that provinces initiate talks wherever possible on a tripartite basis, with both Jews and Muslims.

4. Urges provinces to support those institutions which are helping Christians towards a more informed understanding of Judaism and Islam.

(See further paras 63 and 64 of the Report on "Dogmatic and Pastoral Concerns" and Appendix 6.)

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