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Resolution 15 - Local Ecumenism

Resolution 15

Local Ecumenism

This Conference:

1. Believes that the significance and value of the bilateral and multilateral conversations which Anglicans continue to have with other Churches depend in large part on a parallel movement of growth in unity at the local level, and therefore commits itself to work at this at provincial, diocesan and parish level, and in particular to share in fellowship, discussion, study, worship, mission and action with fellow Christians of other traditions, in order that the unity which our Lord has given to all who believe in him may be more generally experienced and more visibly realised.

2. Requests that special attention be given to the ways in which bishops may share with the leadership of other Churches in the pastoral oversight of all Christians in ecumenical projects.

(See further paras 102-108 of the Report on "Ecumenical Relations.")

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