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Resolution 28 - Ecumenical Relationships

Resolution 28

Ecumenical Relationships

The Conference:

1. reaffirms the readiness of the Anglican Communion as already expressed in Resolution 44(c) of the Lambeth Conference of 1968 (with reference to the Uppsala Assembly of the World Council of Churches), to "work for the time when a genuinely universal council may once more speak for all Christians";

2. acknowledges the pressing need stated by the Nairobi Assembly of the WCC that we should develop more truly sustained and sustaining relationships among the Churches, as we look towards the time when we can enjoy full conciliar fellowship (see "Breaking Barriers: Nairobi 1975," p.60);

3. encourages the member Churches of the Anglican Communion to pursue with perseverance and hopefulness the search for full communion and mutual recognition of ministries between themselves and other world confessional families and the Methodist and Baptist Churches both internationally and locally, on the basis of the Lambeth Quadrilateral and the counsel offered by successive meetings of the Anglican Consultative Council;

4. calls on member Churches of the Anglican Communion to review their commitment to ecumenical structure as well as bilateral conversations at various levels with a view to strengthening the common advance by all Churches to the goal of visible unity;

5. notes that many Christians belong to Churches not members of the World Council of Churches and wishes to develop the opportunities for dialogue and common action with these Churches when appropriate. In particular, the Conference welcomes the participation of Anglican lay persons, priests, and bishops in the Lausanne Congress on World Evangelism of 1974 and subsequent meetings, in which many of these Churches are represented.