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Resolution 2 - A Response

Resolution 2

A Response

The Conference believes that a response to the foregoing statement [Resolution 1] needs to be made at three levels.

First, we appeal to leaders and governments of the world: 

1. to participate actively in the establishment of a new economic order aimed at securing fair prices for raw materials, maintaining fair prices for manufactured goods, and reversing the process by which the rich become richer and the poor poorer; 

2. to consider seriously all efforts towards a peaceful settlement of international disputes; 

3. to persist in the search for ways leading to progressive world disarmament, in particular limiting and reducing the production of, and commerce in, arms; 

4. so to limit the development of nuclear energy that they guard against the proliferation of nuclear weapons, at the same time applying every effort to the development of alternative sources of energy; 

5. aware that the world is one indivisable system in its operation, to provide that those whose lives are affected by global decisions should be heard in the formulation of policies; 

6. to pay attention to human needs in the planning of cities, especially in those places where growing industrialisation brings people together in such numbers that human dignity is at risk; 

7. to make provision for a new understanding of the place of work in the life of individuals. If the human race as a whole is to reassess its philosophy of economic growth in order to conserve our environment, we will have to find new ways of human fulfilment, paying as much attention to leisure as to paid employment. This needs re-education and a redistribution of resources at national and international levels.

Second, we call on the Churches and in particular the Anglican Communion: 

1. to make provision locally to educate their membership into an understanding of these issues; 

2. in the face of growing urbanisation all over the world to make urgent provision for the training of lay and pastoral leadership in urban mission and to concentrate the use of their personnel and financial resources ecumenically in order to minister to the growing number of urban people with little hope or freedom of choice.

We recommend that greater attention be paid to the work already being done by agencies both within and outside the Churches, that provision be made for communicating their findings in appropriate forms, and that greater use be made of the specialist skills of our lay members to inform the Church's decision-making on social, economic, and technological issues.

Third, we call upon members to exercise their rights as citizens of their respective countries; 

1. to create a moral climate which enables governments to act for the benefit of the world community rather than sectional interests; 

2. in situations where the interests of minorities are in conflict with large-scale development schemes to give consideration to the needs of persons rather than economic advantage; 

3. to review their life-style and use of the world's resources so that the service and wellbeing of the whole human family comes before the enjoyment of over-indulgent forms of affluence.

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