Resolution 67
The Role of the Anglican Communion - Mutual Responsibility and Interdependence
(a) The Conference records its gratitude for the concept of mutual responsibility and interdependence in the Body of Christ, and for the renewed sense of responsibility for each other which it has created within our Communion.
(b) The Conference believes that a developing MRI has a vital contribution to make to our relationships within the whole Church of God. It therefore summons our Churches to a deeper commitment to Christ's mission through a wide partnership of prayer, by sharing sacrificially and effectively their manpower and money, and by a readiness to learn from each other.
(c) The Conference urges that serious attention be paid to the need for co-operation, at every level of Anglican and ecumenical life, in the planning, implementing, and review of all work undertaken, along the line set out in the Report of Section III.
(d) The Conference believes that the time has come for a reappraisal of the policies, methods, and areas of responsibility of the Anglican Communion in discharging its share of the mission of Christ and that there is a need for a renewed sense of urgency.