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Resolution 37 - The Church and the Modern World - The Church Militant

Resolution 37

The Church and the Modern World - The Church Militant

The Conference urges all Church people to look upon their membership of Christ in the Church as the central fact in their lives. They should regard themselves as individually sharing responsibility for the corporate life and witness of the Church in the places where they live. They should discharge this responsibility and give a distinctive witness

  1. by the regularity of their attendance at public worship and especially at the Holy Communion;
  2. by the practice of private prayer, Bible reading, and self-discipline;
  3. by bringing the teaching and example of Christ into their everyday lives;
  4. by the boldness of their spoken witness to their faith in Christ;
  5. by personal service to Church and community;
  6. by the offering of money, according to their means, for the support of the work of the Church, at home and overseas.

Thus there will be in every locality a living centre of Christian faith, witness, and fellowship.


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