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Resolution 44 - Consultative Body

Resolution 44

Consultative Body

In order to prevent misapprehension the Conference declares that the Consultative Body, created by the Lambeth Conference of 1897 and consolidated by the Conference of 1908, is a purely advisory body. It is of the nature of a continuation committee of the whole Conference and neither possesses nor claims any executive or administrative power. It is framed so as to represent all branches of the Anglican Communion and it offers advice only when advice is asked for.

  1. The existing Consultative Body shall be reconstructed on the following plan of representation: It shall consist of the Archbishop of Canterbury (ex officio) and of representative bishops appointed as follows: Province of Canterbury 1, Province of York 1, Province of Wales 1, the Church of Ireland 1, the Episcopal Church in Scotland 1, the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America 4, the Church of England in Canada 1, the Church of England in the Dioceses of Australia and Tasmania 1, the Church of the Province of New Zealand 1, the Church of the Province of the West Indies 1, the Church of the Province of South Africa 1, the Church of the Province of India and Ceylon 1, the Churches in China and Japan and the Diocese of Corea 1, the missionary and other extra-provincial bishops under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Canterbury 1. Total 18.
  2. The Churches that appoint representatives shall be free to fix the method of appointment, whether by the House of Bishops or by synod or convention. A representative bishop shall be appointed for a definite term not exceeding six years, and need not be a member of the body which appoints him. Any vacancy by death, resignation, or other cause, during the term of office shall be filled by the Church in the representation of which the vacancy occurs.
  3. For the purpose of appointing the bishop who is to represent the body of missionary and other extra-provincial bishops under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Canterbury, each of those bishops shall be requested by the Archbishop of Canterbury to nominate a bishop to him. The list of bishops so nominated shall be be then sent to all the bishops entitled to vote, and each of them shall, if he thinks fit to vote, send to the Archbishop the name of the one in that list for whom he votes. The largest number of votes shall carry the election.
  4. The Central Consultative Body shall be prepared to consider questions referred to it by any bishop, but shall, before considering as well as in considering them, have careful regard to any limitations upon such references as may be imposed by the regulations of provinces or of national or regional Churches.
  5. The Consultative Body shall not at any meeting come to a decision on any subject not named in the notice summoning the meeting.

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