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Resolution 70
For the sake of unity, and as a particular expression of brotherly affection, we recommend that any official request of the Unitas Fratrum for the participation of Anglican bishops in the consecration of bishops of the Unitas should be accepted, provided that:
- such Anglican bishops should not be less than three in number, and should participate both the the saying of the prayers of consecration and in the laying-on of hands, and that the rite itself is judged to be sufficient by the bishops of the Church of our Communion to which the invited bishops belong;
- the synods of the Unitas
- are able to give sufficient assurance of doctrinal agreement with ourselves in all essentials (as we believe that they will be willing and able to do); and
- are willing to explain its position as that of a religious community or missionary body in close alliance with the Anglican Communion; and
- are willing to accord a due recognition to the position of our bishops within Anglican dioceses and jurisdictions; and
- are willing to adopt a rule as to the administration of confirmation more akin to our own.