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Recommendation 5 - Union Among the Churches of the Anglican Communion - Encyclical Letter 1.9: Of circulating information as to the Churches

Recommendation 5

Union Among the Churches of the Anglican Communion - Encyclical Letter 1.9: Of circulating information as to the Churches

It appears that the want has been much felt of some centre of communication among the Churches in England, Ireland, Scotland, America, India, the colonies, and elsewhere, through which ecclesiastical documents of importance might be mutually circulated, and in which copies of them might be retained for reference. Your Committee would suggest that the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge might be requested to maintain a department for this purpose, supported by special contributions; and also that provision might be made for the more general dissemination, in each Church, of information respecting the acts and current history of all the rest. They recommend that the Reports and other proceedings of this Conference, which it may think fit to publish, should be communicated through this channel. They further think it desirable that the official acts and other published documents of each representative body of this Communion should be interchanged among the respective bishops and the officers of such bodies.

[NOTE: The Lambeth Conference of 1878 did not adopt any formal Resolutions as such. The mind of the Conference was recorded by incorporating the Reports of its five Committees, received by the plenary Conference with almost complete unanimity, into an Encyclical Letter which was duly published. Recommendations embodied in the Committee Reports were evidently accorded equivalent status to formal Resolutions, and they are reproduced here as they appeared in the course of the Encyclical Letter, under appropriate reference.]

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