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IATDC - Inter Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission

The current Inter-Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission was set up in 2001 and given a mandate to study the nature of communion, and ways in which the relationship between the autonomous churches which make up the Anglican Communion could be sustained and strengthened. 

These pages are an archive of the IATDC pages of the website

05 FEB 2015 692 KB

Lambeth Conference Reader

This Reader contains background reading for the Lambeth Conference. A number of the papers have been published in other places and at other times. The papers are collected together and re-published in this volume for the convenience of those who will be attending the Lambeth Conference. All the material is the product of particular Anglican Communion groups or networks, or has been written particularly for this Reader

03 AUG 2008 849 KB

Communion, Conflict and Hope: the Kuala Lumpur Report'

The Report focuses on the nature of Communion, and how unity can be sustained during times of intense disagreement. It demonstrates the foundations of Anglican identity – attention to the Bible, the vocation towards holiness, respect for local cultures, the gifts of discernment and diversity, and the development of appropriate competencies to articulate the mind of the Church.

09 JUN 2008 360 KB

The Virginia Report

The Report of the Inter-Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission

09 AUG 1998 223 KB

Resolutions ACC-9

22 JAN 1993 131 KB

Resolution 19 - Draft Common Declaration

Resolution 19 of the Lambeth Conference 1988

14 AUG 1988 N/A

Resolutions ACC-7

24 JUL 1987 92 KB

Resolutions ACC-4

18 MAY 1979 65 KB

Resolution 25 - An Anglican Doctrinal Commission

Resolution 25 of the Lambeth Conference 1978 

13 AUG 1978 N/A

Resolutions ACC-3

02 APR 1976 70 KB
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