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Document title Item type Date File size

Communiqué from the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation Montreal 2015 - French

03 SEP 2015 217 KB

Communiqué from the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation Montreal 2015 - Japanese

03 SEP 2015 820 KB

IALC Amended Guidelines

The International Anglican Liturgical Consultation is the official network for liturgy of the Anglican Communion and has responsibility:

  • to promote the deepening of communion between the Churches of the Anglican Communion by renewing its life of liturgy and prayer as integral to the mission of the Church;
03 SEP 2015 29 KB

Communiqué from the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation Montreal 2015

The International Anglican Liturgical Consultation met in Montreal, Canada from the 3rd to 8th August 2015. The Consultation was warmly welcomed and appreciated the facilities placed at its disposal by the Montreal Diocesan Synod Office

12 AUG 2015 797 KB

ACC-15 IALC Report

07 NOV 2012 71 KB

IALC Rights Relating to Marriage

07 NOV 2012 1006 KB

ACC-14 Liturgy - IALC - International Anglican Liturgical Consultations

13 MAY 2009 93 KB

Lambeth Conference 1998 Resolutions

09 AUG 1998 386 KB

Resolutions ACC-9

22 JAN 1993 131 KB