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ICAOTD Communique September 2016

In the name of the Triune God, and with the blessing and guidance of our Churches, the International Commission for Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue met in Armagh, Northern Ireland from 23–29 September 2016.

30 SEP 2016 831 KB

The Buffalo Agreed Statement 2015

The International Commission for Anglican–Orthodox Theological Dialogue began its fourth phase in 2009, under the co-chairmanship of Archbishop Roger Herft and Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia. In September 2015 the Commission completed this, its first Agreed Statement, In the Image and Likeness of God: A Hope-Filled Anthropology. The product of six years of study and dialogue, the text celebrates what Anglicans and Orthodox can say together about the human person, created in ‘the Image and Likeness of God’.

28 JAN 2016 343 KB

ICAOTD Communique September 2015

International Commission for Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue
September 2015 Communiqué
Buffalo, New York, United States of America

28 SEP 2015 229 KB

ICAOTD Communiqué - September 2014

The International Commission for Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue (ICAOTD) met at St George’s Anglican Cathedral, Jerusalem, from 17 to 24 September 2014.

24 SEP 2014 158 KB

ICAOTD Communiqué - September 2013

The International Commission for Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue (ICAOTD) met in Novi Sad, Serbia during 4-11 September 2013

11 SEP 2013 78 KB

ICAOTD Communiqué - September 2010,Oxford, United Kingdom

The International Commission for Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue met in Oxford, from Tuesday 31 August to Tuesday 7 September 2010

07 SEP 2010 63 KB

ICAOTD Communiqué - September 2009, Chania, Crete, Greece

The International Commission for Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue met in Chania, Crete, from Tuesday, 15th September to Sunday 20th September 2009

20 SEP 2009 60 KB

The Cyprus Agreed Statement 2006

The Cyprus Statement agreed by the International Commission for Anglican - Orthodox Theological Dialogue 2006

11 DEC 2006 2.71 MB

ICAOTD Communiqué - June 2005, The Kykkos Monastery, Cyprus

The International Commission of the Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue met in the Holy Royal and Stavropegic Monastery of Kykkos, in Cyprus, from Thursday, June 2nd - Wednesday, June 8th, 2005

08 JUN 2005 38 KB

ICAOTD Communiqué - June 2004, Canterbury, United Kingdom

The International Commission of the Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue met in the International Study Centre, Canterbury Cathedral, in the United Kingdom, from Monday, June 21st - Friday, June 25th, 2004.

25 JUN 2004 43 KB