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Documents matching your search

Document title Item type Date File size

Generous Love: The truth of the Gospel and the call to dialogue

An Anglican theology of inter faith relations

Foreword by Dr Rowan D. Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury

ISBN 978-0-9558261-0-86 £2.00 a report from the Anglican Communion Network for Inter Faith Concerns published by the Anglican Consultative Council

01 JAN 2014 205 KB

Land of Promise: An Anglican exploration of Christian attitudes to the Holy Land, with special reference to 'Christian Zionism'

ISBN 978-0-9566596-1-3 a report from the Anglican Communion Network for Inter Faith Concerns published by the Anglican Consultative Council

31 DEC 2012 1.05 MB

ACC-15 NIFCON Report

07 NOV 2012 97 KB

NIFCON - 'Land of Promise'

An Anglican exploration of Christian attitudes to the Holy Land, with special reference to ‘Christian Zionism’

07 NOV 2012 1.05 MB

Abstracts of the papers presented at the NIFCON Conference held at Lambeth Palace in December 2011

01 DEC 2010 294 KB

ACC-14 NIFCON - Network for interfaith Concerns

13 MAY 2009 42 KB

Lambeth Conference Reflections

03 AUG 2008 290 KB

Lambeth Conference Reader

This Reader contains background reading for the Lambeth Conference. A number of the papers have been published in other places and at other times. The papers are collected together and re-published in this volume for the convenience of those who will be attending the Lambeth Conference. All the material is the product of particular Anglican Communion groups or networks, or has been written particularly for this Reader

03 AUG 2008 849 KB

The Right to convert and the Indian Constitution

The Sixth Stanley Samartha Memorial Lecture Delivered by Justice K.T.THOMAS, former Judge of Supreme Court of India

04 JUL 2007 31 KB

Lambeth Conference 1998 Resolutions

09 AUG 1998 386 KB
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