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Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ

"Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ" is the 5th statement of the second phase of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) and brings to completion the mandate the Commission was given when it began its work in 1983.

02 FEB 2004 455 KB

Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ - Commentary by Tim Bradshaw

02 FEB 2004 54 KB

Newsletter: Abandoned Children

Abandoned Children (New Year 2003/2004)

tells of children fending for themselves in the face of danger and disease not only without adequate material resources but also without the love and emotional support that all human beings need to survive. But as well as of the horrors, articles tell of the work being done: the provision of refuges and day care for children in Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina, Burundi and Rwanda; the work of a church in Estonia to repair the building and use it as a centre for hungry and neglected children; the work of organisations in Scotland and England where even in such wealthy countries run away children and children in care need vital support.

22 DEC 2003 117 KB

5 December 2003 Communiqué Duncan Center, Florida, USA

The Inter Anglican Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations (IASCER) met at the Duncan Center, Delray Beach, Florida, from 29 November to 5 December, 2003.

05 DEC 2003 49 KB

IASCER Resolutions arising from the 2003 meeting

05 DEC 2003 49 KB

Church of Tanzania Mission and Evangelism Consultation

'Every institution has an aim, the government - a wholesome society; the army - peace between nations; business - profit; the Church - the Great Commission. The Church exists for mission.'

With this statement the Anglican Church of Tanzania opened its Mission and Evangelism Consultation in Mtumba Women's Training Centre in Dodoma.

07 NOV 2003 35 KB

The Lambeth Commission on Communion

The Lambeth Commission on Communion was established by the Archbishop of Canterbury in October 2003, following the special Primates' Meeting called that month in Lambeth Palace. Chaired by Archbishop Robin Eames, the Commission was asked to look at life in the Anglican Communion and offer advice on finding a way through developments which threatened to divide the Communion

Documents compiled from the ACO website

31 OCT 2003 2.35 MB

Church of Uganda, Mission and Evangelism Strategic Planning Workshop

Transformation is only possible through a personal encounter with God. If we are to see Uganda transformed it must begin with each of us here and the Church of Uganda.' This was the challenge given by Revd Dr Edward Muhima, bishop elect of Busoga Diocese, at this strategic planning workshop.

30 OCT 2003 51 KB

AOOIC Anglican Oriental Orthodox International Commission Communiqué - November 2003

The meeting of the Anglican Oriental Orthodox International Commission, which was to have taken place at Walsingham from Tuesday, 28 October to Sunday, 2 November 2003, has been postponed at the suggestion of the Heads of the Coptic Orthodox Church (His Holiness Pope Shenouda III), the Syrian Orthodox Church (His Holiness Patriarch Zakka I) and the Armenian Orthodox Church, Catholicosate of Cilicia (His Holiness Catholicos Aram I), who met in Antelias, Lebanon, on 17 and 18 October, 2003.

27 OCT 2003 46 KB

Newsletter: Violence and the Family

Violence and the Family (Michaelmas 2003)

This newsletter follows the regional African consultation held on this theme in Nairobi in 2003. It draws on the issues discussed with great energy and application by the 32 delegates at the conference and sets out their recommendations for action. Perspectives are also included from other parts of the Anglican Communion, showing how violence against women and within the family is endemic across the world and calling on the Church to listen

12 OCT 2003 125 KB