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PEF - Information Sheet

The PEF was set up in 1979 by Archbishop Donald Coggan, because of the critical medical needs clergy and church workers and their families’ around the Communion were facing. Many clergy were unable to pay for treatment and in many cases their ministry suffered because of this.

15 OCT 2014 271 KB

ICAOTD Communiqué - September 2014

The International Commission for Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue (ICAOTD) met at St George’s Anglican Cathedral, Jerusalem, from 17 to 24 September 2014.

24 SEP 2014 158 KB

Newsletter: Family - The Gift of Dignity

Family: The Gift of Dignity

introduces inspiring and challenging stories with a theological reflection on 'family' experienced as redemptive community, where all its members find equal dignity, belonging and forgiveness.

08 SEP 2014 2.08 MB

Mission of the Anglican Health Network

The mission of the Anglican Health Network (AHN) is to renew the ministries of
healing and healthcare within the Anglican Communion.

01 SEP 2014 32 KB

AOCICC - Anglican-Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council August 2014 - Communiqué

The Anglican-Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council (AOCICC) met in Kilkenny, Ireland, from 27 to 30 August 2014.

30 AUG 2014 158 KB

Into All the World:Being and Becoming Apostolic Churches

Into All the World:Being and Becoming Apostolic Churches A report to the Anglican Consultative Council and the World Methodist Council by the Anglican-Methodist International Commission for Unity in Mission AMICUM 2014

18 AUG 2014 4.27 MB

IAWN Newsletter August 2014

CAPA Women Leaders Consultation in Nairobi, Kenya, 22 to 26 June

In June, African Anglican women leaders met under the auspices of the Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa (CAPA) to reflect on women’s ministry across the continent. Provinces represented were: Burundi, Central Africa, Congo, Kenya, Indian Ocean, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and West Africa.

11 AUG 2014 697 KB

Preparation for the 13th Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - By Gaya Kogiyalam

Main Focus:

  • The indigenous peoples in Bangladesh and the Philippines (both dealing with land disputes)
23 JUL 2014 220 KB

A Day of Listening to the sounds and noises of our environment

to the cries of pain from our planet home, to the voices of hope stirring in Earth: A resource for the Feast of John the Baptist, 24 June 2014, from the South Australian Council of Churches

24 JUN 2014 1.53 MB

Images from the Pacific Islands

An experience of climate change on the occasion of World Environment Day June 5, 2014

05 JUN 2014 1.09 MB