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November 19-23, 2002 - Mount St. Joseph, Malta Communiqué of the International Anglican - Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission

"Sub-group: The Degree of Faith that Exists between Anglicans and Catholics; Sub-group: Practical Recommendations for the Next Steps in the On-going Process of Ecumenical Reception; Sub-group: Visible and Practical Outcomes of Spiritual Communion with Proposals for Pastoral and Practical Strategies to Help the Two Communions, Especially in Local Contexts, to do Together Whatever is Possible in the Present Stage of Real but Imperfect Communion"

23 NOV 2002 34 KB

AOOIC Anglican Oriental Orthodox International Commission Communiqué - November 2002

Meeting at Holy Etchmiadzin, Armenia, 5-10 November 2002

10 NOV 2002 45 KB

AOOIC Agreed statement on Christology 2002

In 1990 the second Forum of representatives of the Oriental Orthodox Churches and the Churches of Anglican Communion, meeting at the Monastery of St. Bishoy in Wadi el Natroun, Egypt, was able to produce the following statement

10 NOV 2002 51 KB

Newsletter: The Burden of Care

The Burden of Care (Michaelmas 2002)

tells of parents coping with a disabled child, of children coping with disabled siblings and of how many find joy in caring and manage to care for numerous additional family members orphaned through AIDS. In countries such as Papua New Guinea and parts of Africa, the extended family and local community frequently help. But even here, the culture of such support is being weakened and the Church, as an intergenerational community with a mandate to care, needs to encourage the work already being done by organisations such as The Mothers' Union, the Salvation Army and many others, and increase its support for those whose burden is too heavy.

24 OCT 2002 64 KB

Resolutions ACC-12

26 SEP 2002 97 KB

ICAOTD Communiqué - June 2002, Abergavenny, Wales

The International Commission of the Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue met in Abergavenny 26th - 28th June 2002

28 JUN 2002 36 KB

Report to the Anglican Consultative Council 2002

17 JUN 2002 38 KB

Newsletter: Women and the Family

Women and the Family (Trinity 2002)

Many African mothers are desperate to get funds to help them educate their daughters and enable them to escape the cycle of poverty, early pregnancy, single parenthood and more poverty. Research shows that educating women and girls is the single most effective strategy for reducing poverty. Several articles in this newsletter show that women in many parts of the world are now the breadwinner for their families. For some, this can develop their opportunities and this newsletter also celebrates the strength of women, working to bring peace in the Sudan, more social cohesion in S. India, learning new skills in the Lebanon. But the extension of "women's work" can also be an added burden - particularly if there is little partner

16 JUN 2002 64 KB

Provincial Co-ordinators - Mission and Evangelism Consultation

This was the central affirmation of the first-ever Consultation of Co-ordinators of Mission and Evangelism within the Anglican Communion meeting in Nairobi, Kenya from 6-13 May.

13 MAY 2002 348 KB

Growth in Communion

This Report “Growth in Communion” is the outcome of the Anglican-Lutheran International Working Group which met for the first time in February 2000, appointed by the Anglican Communion and the Lutheran World Federation, and concluded its work in May 2002. The background and mandate of the Working Group are described in the Introduction.

13 MAY 2002 200 KB