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AOCICC - Anglican-Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council November 2005 - Communiqué

The new Anglican Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council (AOCICC) met between 7th – 10th November, 2005, at Haus Bruchmatt, Lucerne, Switzerland

10 NOV 2005 42 KB

Compass Points Advent 2005

28 OCT 2005 944 KB

Newsletter: Women and Poverty

Women and Poverty (Trinity 2005)

tells of "the feminine face of poverty" and shows how women are often the most afflicted by poverty because of factors such as their lack of economic power; skills and status and the need to care for their families. Yet women's voices have not often been sought or listened to. In this newsletter, articles from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Uganda, South Africa, Brazil, Burma, India, Bangladesh, Israel, USA and UK enable the voices of some women to be heard.

12 SEP 2005 400 KB

Mission Commissions IASCOME (2001-2005)

The 11th ACC meeting in 1999, Dundee in Scotland, established the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Mission and Evangelism (IASCOME)

11 JUL 2005 298 KB

IASCOME 'Travelling together in God's Mission'

This publication contains the report of the Inter Anglian Standing Commission on Mission and Evangelism 2001-2005, Travelling together in God's Mission

11 JUL 2005 131 KB

Resolutions ACC-13

28 JUN 2005 144 KB

Report to the Anglican Consultative Council 2005

13 JUN 2005 133 KB

ICAOTD Communiqué - June 2005, The Kykkos Monastery, Cyprus

The International Commission of the Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue met in the Holy Royal and Stavropegic Monastery of Kykkos, in Cyprus, from Thursday, June 2nd - Wednesday, June 8th, 2005

08 JUN 2005 38 KB

Conversations Around the World 2000-2005

This publication contains an engaging record of a fresh way to undertake dialogue, and offers valuable insights which prompt both theological reflections and instance of practical Co-operation in Mission between Anglican and Baptists.

09 MAY 2005 1.11 MB

Compass Points Easter 2005

29 APR 2005 89 KB