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International Anglican Liturgical Consultations Auckland 2009

The International Anglican Liturgical Consultation met August 3-8 at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Auckland, in the Anglican Church of Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia.

10 AUG 2009 15 KB

Newsletter: Valuing our Elders

Valuing our Elders

This is the latest IAFN newsletter to be published and includes articles from Africa, Argentina, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, West Indies, Australia, Canada, Malaysia, the Anglican Indigenous Network and the UK. The newsletter celebrates the value age can bring while also highlighting the importance of facing the realities of age and ageing and describing projects which work to provide support for those who need it. An example of creative ageing is embodied in the cover picture of a Canadian woman, 75 years old at the time of the photograph, who published her autobiography in her 90s and continued to visit elderly people when aged 100.

13 JUL 2009 648 KB

The inaugural meeting of the Anglican Health Network, Geneva, 15-16 June 2009: Summary report

Following presentations at the Lambeth Conference 2008, a proposal for an Anglican Health
Network began to gain widespread interest. Meeting in Houston in January 2009, a range of
Episcopal and Anglican representatives explored elements of potential collaboration in the hospital systems in the United States, India and Middle East

16 JUN 2009 140 KB

‘Renewing the Commitment to Anglican Health Care: The case for an Anglican Health Network’, Report to the Anglican Consultative Council, May 2009

The established tradition in which the Church offered health care services to
the communities of which it was a part has diminished in the face of modern
comprehensive health systems.

29 MAY 2009 48 KB

The Anglican - Lutheran International Commission, Lilleskog, Sweden, 20 - 27 May 2009

The third Anglican – Lutheran International Commission (ALIC) held its fourth meeting in Lilleskog, Sweden, between 20 and 27 May 2009

27 MAY 2009 52 KB

Resolutions ACC-14

13 MAY 2009 121 KB

ACC-14 Ecumenical Affairs The Vision Before Us

13 MAY 2009 15 KB

ACC-14 Listening Process Report of the Listening Process on Human Sexuality

13 MAY 2009 32 KB

ACC-14 Liturgy - IALC - International Anglican Liturgical Consultations

13 MAY 2009 93 KB

ACC-14 Mission Anglican Communion Consultation on Evangelism and Church Growth

13 MAY 2009 35 KB