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Resolution 69 - Admission to Communion

Resolution 69 of the Lambeth Conference 1988

14 AUG 1988 N/A

Resolution 70

Resolution 70 Failed

14 AUG 1988 N/A

Resolution 71 - 1988 Lambeth Call to Prayer

Resolution 71 of the Lambeth Conference 1988

14 AUG 1988 N/A

Resolution 72 - Episcopal Responsibilities and Diocesan Boundaries

Resolution 72 of the Lambeth Conference 1988

14 AUG 1988 N/A

Resolution 73 - Northern Ireland

Resolution 73 of the Lambeth Conference 1988

14 AUG 1988 N/A

Grindrod Report on Women and the Episcopate

Report of the working party appointed by the Primates of the Anglican Communion. Prepared to aid discussion in preparation of the Lambeth Conference 1988

14 AUG 1988 3.08 MB

The Niagara Report - 1987

Two linked events took place at Niagara Falls in Autumn 1987 in the course of the international dialogue between Anglicans and Lutherans. The First was a major consultation on episcope (24th - 29th September), and this was immediately followed (30th September - 3rd October) by a meeting of the Anglican-Lutheran International Continuation Committee to produce this report

29 SEP 1987 220 KB

Resolutions ACC-7

24 JUL 1987 92 KB

ARCIC II - Salvation and the Church

The document published here is the work of the Second Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC II). It is simply a joint statement of the Commission.

04 SEP 1986 85 KB

The Dublin Agreed Statement 1984

As a result of the talks in 1962 between the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Michael Ramsey, and the Ecumenical Patriarch, Athenagoras I of Constantinople, the Primates of the Anglican Communion were approached and agreed unanimously to the setting up of an Anglican Theological Commission to confer with theologians of the Orthodox Churches...

19 AUG 1984 265 KB