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Document title Item type Date File size

Resolution 45 - Relations with Other Churches - Admission of Non-Anglicans

Resolution 45 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 46 - Relations with Other Churches - Anglicans Communicating in

Resolution 46 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 47 - Relations with Other Churches - Reciprocal Acts of

Resolution 47 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 48 - Relations with Other Churches - The Church in South India

Resolution 48 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 49 - Relations with Other Churches - The Churches of North India and Pakistan

Resolution 49 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 50 - Relations with Other Churches - The Church of Lanka

Resolution 50 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 51 - Relations with Other Churches - Anglican-Methodist Unity in

Resolution 51 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 52 - Relations with Other Churches - The Roman Catholic Church

Resolution 52 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 53 - Relations with Other Churches - The Roman Catholic Church

Resolution 53 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A

Resolution 54 - Relations with Other Churches - The Roman Catholic Church

Resolution 54 of the Lambeth Conference 1968 

11 AUG 1968 N/A