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Document title Item type Date File size

Lambeth Daily 23rd July 1998

Official Newspaper of the 1998 Lambeth Conference

23 JUL 1998 965 KB

Lambeth Daily 22nd July 1998

Official Newspaper of the 1998 Lambeth Conference

22 JUL 1998 257 KB

Lambeth Daily 21st July 1998

Official Newspaper of the 1998 Lambeth Conference

21 JUL 1998 707 KB

Lambeth Daily 20th July 1998

Official Newspaper of the 1998 Lambeth Conference

20 JUL 1998 384 KB

Lambeth Daily 18th July 1998

Official Newspaper of the 1998 Lambeth Conference

18 JUL 1998 736 KB

Called to Full Communion (The Waterloo Declaration) - 1997

As approved by the National Convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada. Waterloo, Ontario, 2001.

16 JUN 1997 37 KB

Common Declaration - December 1996

The Common Declaration by Pope John Paul II and the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr George Carey

05 DEC 1996 36 KB

'Sharing in The Apostolic Communion'- 1996

The International Dialogue between Anglicans and Methodists had its beginning in the Lambeth Conference of 1988. The invitation by the Anglican bishops to begin formal conversations was enthusiastically accepted by the World Methodist Council.

21 OCT 1996 145 KB

Resolutions ACC-10

18 OCT 1996 71 KB

The Hanover Report - 1996

Lutherans and Anglicans, like Christians of many other traditions, have been engaged during recent decades in much debate about the nature of ministry - both the ministry of the whole people of God and that of specific ordained ministers. This debate was intensified by the publication in 1982 of the Lima document Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (BEM), which intentionally raised many fundamental issues of ecciesiology, ministry and ordination

17 JUN 1996 120 KB