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The Windsor Continuation Group

The Windsor Continuation Group was set up by the Archbishop of Canterbury following his Advent Letter to the Primates in December 2008. It has been asked to advise the Archbishop on the implementation of the recommendations of the Windsor Report, how best to carry forward the Windsor Process in the life of the Communion, and to consult on the "unfinished business" of the Report 

Documents compiled from the ACO website

01 DEC 2008 200 KB

Compass Points Michaelmas 2008

31 OCT 2008 3.21 MB

Advocacy and Education on Climate Change

The earth's climate has changed throughout history, sometimes drastically.

06 OCT 2008 27 KB

Advocacy and Education on Corporate Responsibility

In 2008, the Anglican Communion UN Advisory Council voted unanimously to become a member of the Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility (ICCR).

06 OCT 2008 27 KB

A Lambeth Commentary

The Reflections onthe St Andrew’s Draft for an Anglican Covenant by the bishops gathered at the 2008 Lambeth Conference together with responses from the Covenant Design Group

26 SEP 2008 177 KB

Don't Throw Stones

The Anglican Communion, through the Bishops at Lambeth in 1998, the Primates at Dromantine in 2004 and various statements by the former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, has in various ways made it clear that

15 SEP 2008 43 KB

2008 - Community Transformation: Violence and the Church's Response

The Anglican Peace and Justice Network held its triennial meeting in Rwanda and Burundi from 25 September to 3 October, 2007. This report describes the moving testimony received there as well as deliberations concerning the Anglican Communion's role in conflict resolution throughout the world. Other international issues and efforts are also highlighted in the 64-page report, well-illustrated with photos 

01 SEP 2008 2.94 MB

Index of Reflections from 2008

Lambeth Conference Archives - 2008

03 AUG 2008 N/A

Lambeth Conference Reflections

03 AUG 2008 290 KB

Conference 2008 - Section A: Introduction

Section A of the Lambeth Conference 2008

03 AUG 2008 N/A