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Resolutions: Appendix 2 - Prayer for the Democratic Republic of Congo

11 SEP 2012 94 KB

ACC-15 Alliance Report

20 AUG 2012 65 KB

Compass Points June 2012

Throughout my first year as General Secretary I continue to find Episcopalians who are surprised to learn that there are Episcopal Black Colleges.

16 JUL 2012 906 KB

IAWN Newsletter June 2012

Transforming Lives!

In faith, Anglican women remember Mary who, when told by Gabriel that she would bear a son, responds, ‘How can this be?’

11 JUN 2012 2.53 MB

2012: Workshop for New Bishops on Conflict Transformation and Peace-building

This report describes a workshop on conflict transformation and peace-building organised by APJN for a group of nine recently consecrated Anglican bishops from Nigeria, South Sudan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India and Brazil. The report includes material developed by Responding to Conflict which was an essential element in the workshop

07 JUN 2012 917 KB

Minutes of Standing Committee Meeting June 2012

01 JUN 2012 221 KB

AUNO Statement of the 53rd Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women to the Anglican Primates

This year’s 53rd Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) was focused on the priority theme of the equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS.

30 MAY 2012 79 KB

Report on the Permanent Forum on Indigeneous Issues by Rachel Chardon

Five hundred representatives from 370 million indigenous peoples from over 72 countries around the world met in New York for the eleventh session ofthe Permanent Forum of Indigenous Peoples at the United Nations. Comprising representation from at least 5000 distinct peoples,

29 MAY 2012 683 KB

Communiqué from the meeting of ARCIC III in Hong Kong 2012

The Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission has completed the second meeting of its new phase (ARCIC III), at the Mission to Seafarers in Kowloon, Hong Kong (3-10 May 2012).

10 MAY 2012 22 KB

Newsletter: Divided Families

Divided Families

Civil conflict, eviction from informal settlements and demolition of homes, drug and alcohol abuse, incarceration, migration in search of work, and family breakdown are just some of the circumstances that can split families apart.

The stories gathered in this newsletter 'Divided Families' describe some of the causes of separation and the pain and loss that go with it. But they also speak of innovative and hopeful projects undertaken by Anglican churches and Christian organisations which set out to heal and restore, offer practical support, and make life more bearable for those who have been cut off from their loved ones and those who would normally provide for the safety and daily needs of home and family.

07 MAY 2012 1.23 MB