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Report and Financial Statements for year ending 31st December 2010

The following PDF document the Report and Financial Statements for year ending 31st December 2010.

31 DEC 2010 342 KB

Newsletter: Violence and the Family

Violence and the Family

This newsletter on Violence and the Family is the first of a series of three issues on this theme. It includes articles from different regions of Africa, from Pakistan, Australia and UK. All make clear the prevalence of violence within the home, both between couples and against children, and the newsletter gives a wider Communion context to the work of the consultation for the Oceania region held in October at the Family Centre, Lower Hutt, Wellington.

06 DEC 2010 364 KB

Abstracts of the papers presented at the NIFCON Conference held at Lambeth Palace in December 2011

01 DEC 2010 294 KB

IAWN Newsletter November 2010

16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign

As we approach the annual 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, this edition of IAWN News focuses on news and resources concerned with gender based violence and its elimination.

15 NOV 2010 399 KB

AOCICC - Anglican-Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council November 2010 - Communiqué

The Anglican-Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council (AOCICC) met in Schloss Beuggen, Germany from 8 to 12 November 2010.

12 NOV 2010 18 KB

Compass Points Sept 2010

24 SEP 2010 848 KB

ICAOTD Communiqué - September 2010,Oxford, United Kingdom

The International Commission for Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue met in Oxford, from Tuesday 31 August to Tuesday 7 September 2010

07 SEP 2010 63 KB

Minutes of Standing Committee Meeting July 2010

28 JUL 2010 216 KB

The Constitution of The Anglican Consultative Council

The Constitution of The Anglican Consultative Council July 2010
+Schedule of Membership updated

12 JUL 2010 225 KB

Newsletter: The Family and Trafficking

The Family and Trafficking Trafficking

is a world-wide problem, driven by the same forces that drive the globalisation of markets, with no lack of demand and supply. In varying degrees and circumstances, men, women and children all over the world are victims of what has become a modern day slave trade. Almost every country of the world is affected either as a source, transit, and/or destination country for women, children and men trafficked for the purposes of sexual or labour exploitation. This Newsletter looks at Anglican and other Christian initiatives across the world, such as the Anglican Church of Southern Africa's response to increased trafficking around the Football World Cup, raising awareness in rural communities in India, and the care and support of

12 JUL 2010 1.08 MB