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Resolutions ACC-6

20 JUL 1984 100 KB

The report of the Anglican-Reformed international commission,1981-1984 - God's reign and our unity

This report is the result of work spread over four years (1981-4) by the Anglican-Reformed Commission which was set up after preliminary consultation in 1978. We were appointed by the Anglican Consultative Council and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches.

16 JAN 1984 189 KB

The Helsinki Report - 1982

The following Report is the outcome of three meetings of the Anglican-Lutheran European Regional Commission over the period 1980-82. This Commission was set up at the request of the Anglican Consultative Council and the Lutheran World Federation

27 SEP 1982 80 KB

Common Declaration - May 1982

Common Declaration of Pope John Paul II and the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Robert Runcie

29 MAY 1982 36 KB

Resolutions ACC-5

18 SEP 1981 84 KB

ARCIC I - Authority in the Church II

In our conclusion to our first Statement on Authority in the Church we affirmed that we had reached 'a consensus on authority in the Church and, in particular, on the basic principles of primacy', which we asserted to be of ‘fundamental importance' (para. 24).

03 SEP 1981 71 KB

ARCIC I - Elucidations on Authority in the Church

After the publication of the first Statement on Authority the Commission received comments and criticisms. Some of the questions raised, such as the request for a clarification of the relation between infallibility and indefectibility, find an answer in the second Statement on Authority

03 SEP 1981 51 KB

ARCIC I - Final Report

The Report which follows is the outcome of work begun at Gazzada, Italy, on 9 January 1967. A Joint Preparatory Commission met there, in fulfilment of a joint decision by Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Michael Ramsey, expressed in a Common Declaration during their meeting in Rome in March 1966

03 SEP 1981 N/A

Resolutions ACC-4

18 MAY 1979 65 KB

Index of Resolutions from 1978

Lambeth Conference Archives - 1978

13 AUG 1978 N/A