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Common Declaration - November 2006

Common Declaration of the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams and Pope Benedict XVI

23 NOV 2006 36 KB

August 2006 The Anglican Communion Guidelines on Ecumenical Participation in Ordinations

The following guidelines are addressed to situations in which Anglican bishops and priests are invited to participate in ordinations of clergy in churches outside the Anglican Communion, or in which clergy of churches outside the Anglican Communion are invited to participate in Anglican ordinations.

21 AUG 2006 13 KB

Holistic Mission

17 JUL 2006 100 KB

Newsletter: Acts of Terror and the Family

Acts of Terror and the Family (Trinity 2006)

contains moving stories from all over the Communion, written by people who have suffered from acts of terror. They tell of the loss of family members and the pain of bereavement, the trauma of terror and its effects on the family and the wider community. At the same time there is hope in their journey towards recovery and healing and their efforts to lessen such pain for others.

10 JUL 2006 114 KB

Report to the Anglican Consultative Council 2006

06 MAR 2006 36 KB

The Anglican - Lutheran International Commission Moshi, Tanzania, 13-19 January 2006

The Third Anglican – Lutheran International Commission (ALIC) held its first meeting at the Lutheran Uhuru Hostel in Moshi, Tanzania, between 13th and 19th January, 2006

19 JAN 2006 56 KB

Newsletter: Families and Health

Families and Health (Newyear 2005/2006) 

contains articles from a wide range of countries in Africa, Asia and parts of the Western world telling of the efforts to combat malaria and malnutrition and work to promote understanding of HIV/AIDS and to prevent its spread.

09 JAN 2006 118 KB

10 December 2005 Communiqué Valletta, Malta

The Inter Anglican Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations (IASCER) met in Valletta, Malta, from Sunday, 4th to Saturday, 10th December 2005.

10 DEC 2005 52 KB

IASCER Resolutions arising from the 2005 meeting

10 DEC 2005 57 KB

November 10th - 15th, 2005 - Palazzola, Rome, Italy Communiqué of the International Anglican - Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission

A Communiqué of the International Anglican - Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission

15 NOV 2005 58 KB